Search message, then (1) Jump to folder & (2) Select message that you searched for


Senior Member
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Email Account
Operating system::    Windows 10
Outlook version:     365
Email type or host:    Microsoft Exchange

I was using this code a while ago, I'm not sure if it was from this forum.

It can do:
(1) Jump to folder

But also would like it to do:
(2) Select message that you searched for
Reason is that there can be a lot of emails in a folder.

Option Explicit
Public Sub get_folder_path()
    Dim my_object As Object
    Dim my_folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    Dim MyMessage$
    Set my_object = Application.ActiveWindow
    If TypeOf my_object Is Outlook.Inspector Then
        Set my_object = my_object.CurrentItem
        Set my_object = my_object.Selection(1)
    End If
    Set my_folder = my_object.Parent
    MyMessage = "Path:" & vbCrLf & my_folder.FolderPath & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    MyMessage = MyMessage & "Switch to folder?"
    If MsgBox(MyMessage, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = my_folder
    End If
End Sub
It was probably from Michael Bauer of He was active here for awhile but it is also on his site.

If you get the message's entryid when you set my_object you could use the to find the message after you open the folder. I'll test some code.

Or... you could set a category on the message so its easier to find the folder.

After end if where my_object is set
my_object.categories = "category name" ' category need to exist in the master list to have a color assigned)
Thanks Diane, the first option sounds good, I presume this is go to the folder and find the message in that folder, which is what I'm trying to do but don't know how to do it.
Hi Diane, did you test the code as mentioned in your previous response?
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