Search Email Header for Content Type

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Outlook 2016 64 bit
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Office 365 Exchange
Hello All,

m facing a huge challenge with RTF Emails and need to find a way to find alle RTF mails inside a mailbox.
As a little background: We are using a transparent encryption with Exchange Online. Anything leaving our Office will be encrypted. Microsoft therefore cant read any of our emails so features like Compliance Portal Content Search or using Search-Mailbox Powershell command wont work as those encrypted Emails will just be skipped. The challenge we are facing is that our Encryption Gateway will get unstable when it has to deal with masses of RTF Emails... since we migrated from Lotus Notes to Exchange Online there are plenty...

However my Outlook will use a forward proxy and will be routed through the encryption gateway and can read emails.
So my thought was to use a vba script and have it search the email header for strings like "application/rtf" or "application/ms-tnef" and have those emails move to a certain folder.

So next challenge, while Im quite good with Powershell I literally have no clue how this can be done in vba.
Can anyone help me on that?

I have a VBA sample that can read the header - this code can look for a specific value in the header.

While this sample runs on the selected message, I have code samples to "do something" to all messages in a folder - you can combine the two to scan the messages.
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