Something went wrong and your search couldn't be completed

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Outlook version
Outlook 2019 64-bit
Email Account
Exchange Server 2013
This has been plaguing me for a while - on my desktop Outlook 2019 (tied into a hosted Exchange 2013 account), I keep getting the attached error message whenever I do a search. I can click "Let's look on your computer instead" and the search completes fine. On my laptop running Outlook 2019 (tied into the same hosted Exchange 2013 account), it works absolutely fine (although I think at one point it broke the same way, and then at some point resolved itself - maybe with Office updates?).

I know I can disable server search via registry, but I'd prefer not to since eventually I'm going to move to Office 365 and don't want to forget to re-enable this. I've tried redownloading OST mailbox, reinstalling Office, all the basic troubleshooting steps I can think of and can't get this resolved. Any ideas/thoughts? Thanks!

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