Restrict method question on email. What am I doing wrong?

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I'm not getting a subroutine to return the correct counts based on using

the Restrict method. Is it because I am passing the wrong date format?

If I pass a comparison: Received >= Date1 And < Date2, I get all recs

greater/equal date1.

If I only want records for Date1, I get 0 records. Received = Date1

If I want all records >=1 date, I get correct count. Received >= Date1

Below I show the call to the subroutine and by routine. Any clue what I

am doing wrong? Thanks for any advice.

RestrictItems _

"00000000F01460E0716E454B8398DD735E95C4CA82800000", _

"2/24/2010", "2/25/2010"

Sub RestrictItems(strEntryID As String, _

strDate1 As String, strDate2 As String)

Dim olApp As Object

Dim olNS As Object

Dim olFolders As Object

Dim olItems As Object

Dim olMailItem As Object

Dim olRestrict As Object

Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")

Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

Set olFolders = _


Set olItems = olFolders.Items

'1. this line returns all items from both dates. Incorrect

Set olRestrict = olItems.Restrict("[CreationTime] >= """ _

& strDate1 & """ And [ReceivedTime] < """ & strDate2 & """")

'2. this line returns 0. Incorrect

Set olRestrict = olItems.Restrict("[CreationTime] = """ & _

strDate1 & """")

'3. this line returns all items from both dates. Correct

Set olRestrict = olItems.Restrict("[CreationTime] >= """ _

& strDate1 & """")

'used for all 3 options/comparisons

MsgBox "Count is " & olRestrict.Count

End Sub
You shoud always use a range for date/time properties.

Date = 2/24/2010

makes no sense even if you have a matching item with Date = "2/24/2010

00:00:000", firstly because there is always a roundoff error, and secondly

because I suspect that when you say

Date = 2/24/2010

you really mean

(Date >= "2/24/2010 00:00:000") And (Date < "2/25/2010 00:00:000")

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)


"Salad" <> wrote in message
> I'm not getting a subroutine to return the correct counts based on using
> the Restrict method. Is it because I am passing the wrong date format?

> If I pass a comparison: Received >= Date1 And < Date2, I get all recs
> greater/equal date1.

> If I only want records for Date1, I get 0 records. Received = Date1

> If I want all records >=1 date, I get correct count. Received >= Date1

> Below I show the call to the subroutine and by routine. Any clue what I
> am doing wrong? Thanks for any advice.

> RestrictItems _
> "00000000F01460E0716E454B8398DD735E95C4CA82800000", _
> "2/24/2010", "2/25/2010"

> Sub RestrictItems(strEntryID As String, _
> strDate1 As String, strDate2 As String)

> Dim olApp As Object
> Dim olNS As Object
> Dim olFolders As Object
> Dim olItems As Object
> Dim olMailItem As Object
> Dim olRestrict As Object

> Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
> Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
> Set olFolders = _
> olApp.GetNamespace("Mapi").GetFolderFromID(strEntryID)
> Set olItems = olFolders.Items

> '1. this line returns all items from both dates. Incorrect
> Set olRestrict = olItems.Restrict("[CreationTime] >= """ _
> & strDate1 & """ And [ReceivedTime] < """ & strDate2 & """")

> '2. this line returns 0. Incorrect
> Set olRestrict = olItems.Restrict("[CreationTime] = """ & _
> strDate1 & """")

> '3. this line returns all items from both dates. Correct
> Set olRestrict = olItems.Restrict("[CreationTime] >= """ _
> & strDate1 & """")

> 'used for all 3 options/comparisons
> MsgBox "Count is " & olRestrict.Count

> End Sub
Dmitry Streblechenko wrote:

> You shoud always use a range for date/time properties.
> Date = 2/24/2010
> makes no sense even if you have a matching item with Date = "2/24/2010
> 00:00:000", firstly because there is always a roundoff error, and secondly
> because I suspect that when you say
> Date = 2/24/2010
> you really mean
> (Date >= "2/24/2010 00:00:000") And (Date < "2/25/2010 00:00:000")

Thanks. Got it working now.
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