Question about Outlook 2021 and Gmail


Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Operating system::    Win 11 Pro
Outlook version:     Outlook 2021
Email type or host:    POP3

My mail is setup as POP3 I'm thinking about leaving mail on server so that when away I can access my Gmail via the webmail. My question is if Outlook downloads mail, once that mail is in Outlook and some saved to specific folders, if I delete mail on server will it affect the downloaded mail to Outlook.

MY plan is to leave mail on servers if possible with POP3 and also I don't want changes on the server to be changed in my Outlook. Once Outlook downloads mail I want that mail to stay in Outlook no matter if I delete mail on server form time to time even though I have downloaded it to Outlook.

Can this be done?
When you use pop, it is download only - if you delete it on the server after it was downloaded, it won't be deleted from outlook.

If you use imap, then yes, it would be affected - but definitely not when you use pop.
My Issue is I just bought a new laptop that if I go on vacation or travel it would be nice to be able to see my Gmail. I was thinking that if I just login to Gmail on the web I could see the emails but once read do they still download to Outlook 2021? I want all my email saved on my desktop since I use it 99% of the time. The problem with Imap as I see it I would have some email on a laptop and some on my desktop. This would defeat having all my mail on my desktop.

Any way around this?

Thanks for your reply
once read do they still download to Outlook 2021?
They should with gmail, as its based on these options:


You can test it before you leave - turn off Outlook ans mark new messages read in Gmail then open outlook.
turn off Outlook ans mark new messages read in Gmail then open outlook
I understand what you are saying about mail remaining on server, I think? You are saying that by leaving mail on server I can access Gmail via the web and those emails will still be downloaded by Outlook. If that is so it is what I need. I wasn't sure what you were saying in the part I quoted above.
I just sent a test email to my Gmail account, I read it via web mail and then it did download to Outlook even after being read on the web. So before leaving for a trip I just need to set Gmail to leave message on server. Thanks again for your help Diane!
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