Gmail folder -why, in .ost IMAP situation, as well as Googlemail folder?


New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
Operating system::    Windows 11
Outlook version:     Classic Outlook 365
Email type or host:    IMAP

I don't think this actually matters, because I have already deleted the Gmail folder and all its sub-folders that appeared when I recreated my .ost file - without any apparent ill-effect: but is there some good reason WHY I should want a Gmail folder as a sub-folder to the root folder (my Gmail address)?

For reasons entirely beyond my understanding the sub-folders in Googlemail DO seem to be important - viz. in particular, Bin, Spam and Sent Mail. But at least that offers a reason for Googlemail being useful: all the sub-folders of Gmail were empty!

I guess my query is - have I done something stupid?

Best wishes,

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