Outlook 2010 Creating a email 'Group' in OL 2010


Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Operating system::    Windows 10Pro
Outlook version:     2010
Email type or host:    POP

Hi All.
Not needed this before but now I find I need to send the same email to various people. I have looked on Google which throws up suggestions about changing or looking in the Ribbon.
How to make a group of email addresses in Outlook 2010?

Create a contact group

  1. On the Navigation bar, choose People .
  2. Select Home > New Contact Group.
  3. In the Contact Group box, type the name for the group.
  4. Select Contact Group > Add Members. , and then select an option: ...
  5. Add people from your address book or contacts list, and choose OK. ...
  6. Choose Save & Close.
I cannot find any Ribbon link that says People, so dead before I have started!.
Any suggestions

Thanks for your help.
Do you have a contacts button or icon on the bottom of the screen? That's what they call People now.
Hi Diane.
Thanks for the reply, I did not see the icon as in your reply. However I did after some exploration find a tab called 'Contact Group' and a icon on the ribbon 'Add Members' So that would seem to be what I was looking for. I will have a play tomorrow and dig a bit further.

Best regards
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