Hi there,
A general question please.
Many of our users need to use Outlook-based distribution lists. In the past, MS recommeded to use categories to create distribution lists, and that is what we have communicated to our users.
Does this advice still hold, or is there a better altenative in Outlook 2016?
Contact Groups still seem to have the same drawbacks as distribution lists, e.g., deleting an individual Contact does not remove the entry from Contact Groups.
- Alan.
A general question please.
Many of our users need to use Outlook-based distribution lists. In the past, MS recommeded to use categories to create distribution lists, and that is what we have communicated to our users.
Does this advice still hold, or is there a better altenative in Outlook 2016?
Contact Groups still seem to have the same drawbacks as distribution lists, e.g., deleting an individual Contact does not remove the entry from Contact Groups.
- Alan.