How to show concatenated categories in list task view?

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Outlook version
Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
Is there a way to sort Tasks by Category in a table view, but concatenate the Category if there is more than one? I have tried creating a custom field using [Category]&" "&[Category] but that doesn't show the second (or third or fourth, etc) category. This would be SUPER helpful if I could figure this out. I've honestly been trying for YEARS! You could be my savior....

Check the attached image for a screen shot.

What it currently shows looks like this: "Category 1"
What I want it to show would look like this when grouped by category under Category 1: "Category 1; Category 2"

In other words - list the category it is grouped underneath first, but also list where it appears in other categories

Since a custom field doesn't work when you group by categories, you'll need to use a macro to write the category field to a new field..

This has the general idea - but you'd need to run it after updating categories.
I am familiar in general with VBA but most of my experience is in Access. I played with it a little, but if I am following the example code you linked to it is designed for a single line edit.

I am really looking for this to display for all tasks grouped under each category. Not just a single one at a time. Can this work? Sorry, having difficulty translating the example into what I am going for.
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