Some mailboxes show deleted items as not read

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Rupert Dragwater

Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
I have five separate email addresses in Outlook 2013. When I delete an email in one or so, that of course goes to the Deleted Items and disappears.
But several do not. Deleting an email goes to the Deleted Items and shows as not have been read when actually it has.
Is there a way I can have that so when emails are deleted, they will not show up in the Deleted Items as not read. Thanks!
Not sure ... I think each of these are POP. Tell me how to find out for sure, although I'm sure they are POP accounts. One of them is an outlook account, another
What think ye?
Ok, sorry about the stupidity on my part. One of those account is a POP account. The others say "Exchange ActiveSync."
Now I just need your advice as to overcome this somewhat of an unhappy snag. I'll stand by my computer till I hear from you, rain or shine. Thanks! :-)
Each other than the POP account is where I'm enjoying the problem. Is there anyone else who could stand up to the plate and explain how this might be stopped?
And then there was absolute nothing in response. Just splendid. Absolutely splendid.
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