My main intention is to access that exchange mailbox (.pst account) and then
get access to the task folder list and then perform some action. How can I do
this ? I tried to check in the vba object browser and didnot get one to acess
this. If I'm not wrong then I have a query does outlook 2003 library exposes
any member method to acess any exchange acocunt in a mail box and then get
access to items in that like task folder or contacts...etc? Please guide me.
"Ashok" wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> Can I get access to the task folders created in an exchange account in
> outlook 2003 using the stores collection method? (This exhange one is
> different from the default account). I'm getting only methods to add and
> remove stores, so how could i do this for outlook 2003 using vsto? Any
> guidence would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Ashok
> " - " wrote:
> > Use the Outlook 2007 Stores collection for that. It returns all opened
> > stores. The help on that method in the VBA Object Browser has examples of
> > how to get the default store and how to tell what mailboxes are primary and
> > secondary mailboxes.
> > NameSpace.Stores is all the loaded stores, NameSpace.DefaultStore is the
> > default one. Store.ExchangeStoreType returns olExchangeMailbox,
> > olExchangePublicFolder, olNotExchange and olPrimaryExchangeMailbox. That
> > should be exactly what you want.
> > You can set SendUsingAccount on a MailItem, but if there's only 1 account
> > (Exchange) that does you no good. So set the SendOnBehalfName property for
> > sending as another mailbox. For example, if I want to send something as my
> > sales mailbox I just use that in that property, and as I have SendAs
> > permissions for that mailbox it goes out from sales. Without SendAs
> > permissions you get a Sent on Behalf Of header instead of a change of From
> > address.
> > > >
> >
> > "OutlookNewBie11" <> wrote in
> > message
> > > > Outlook 2007..
> > > I can get a list of 'folders" and filter them.. find ones with "Mailbox
> > > -" ....But.. is that the proper way?
> > > Any other way?
> > > Eventually I will need to send mail from any of the accounts a user has
> > > access to.
> > > > So if Joe smith is the primary exchange account (Remember you can only
> > > have 1 exchange account) and he has access to Billy Bobs email account
> > > how can I programmatically know this? And then, if I type a new email
> > > and click send I want to override the send button(Which I know how to
> > > do) and ask which email account to send from.. But.. since there is
> > > only ONE account setup this might be tricky..
> > > > Any help at all is appreciated.
> >