Because most of the items on my calendar are for me, my default settings for new appointments are SHOW AS: BUSY and REMINDER: 45 MINUTES.
But I also put appointments for my wife on my calendar, but only as FYI for myself. I want them on my calendar, but I want them to ALWAYS be shown as SHOW AS: FREE and REMINDER: NONE.
I have used VIEW SETTINGS: CONDITIONAL FORMATTING so that appointments that contain CM (my wife's initials) in the subject are formatted as gray. But I would like Outlook to conditionally also look for CM in the subject and if found, set the SHOW AS to FREE and the REMINDER to NONE.
Is there a way to do this?
If it requires a VBA macro, can you suggest how it might be done?
PS: For reasons too complicated to go into here, I prefer NOT to set up a different calendar file for my wife.
But I also put appointments for my wife on my calendar, but only as FYI for myself. I want them on my calendar, but I want them to ALWAYS be shown as SHOW AS: FREE and REMINDER: NONE.
I have used VIEW SETTINGS: CONDITIONAL FORMATTING so that appointments that contain CM (my wife's initials) in the subject are formatted as gray. But I would like Outlook to conditionally also look for CM in the subject and if found, set the SHOW AS to FREE and the REMINDER to NONE.
Is there a way to do this?
If it requires a VBA macro, can you suggest how it might be done?
PS: For reasons too complicated to go into here, I prefer NOT to set up a different calendar file for my wife.