Make past appointments remain in calendar

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Often I make an appointment in Outlook 2010 Calendar, and when the appointment date is completed and its reminder dismissed, it disappears from the calendar. Quite often I need to refer back to that appointment or check the notes that were included with that appointment, but I no longer have access to that information. Surely there is a way to force those appointments to remain on my calendar. What am I missing here? Please advise.

Thanks in advance,
Do you have autoarchive enabled? The appointment wouldn't disappear on it's own, just by dismissing the reminder and autoarchive is the usual suspect. You can mark the folder to never be archived - right click on the calendar, choose properties then on the autoarchive tab, set it to never archive.

also, look in the deleted items folder - if they were manually deleted, they would be in there. (Sort by the icon and all events will either be at the top or bottom).

If this is a work computer with exchange server, the admin could have a policy applied that deletes old events.

If you use a smartphone, syncing could delete the old events. Check the settings on the phone and try syncing all calendar events.
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