c# vsto Outlook.ApplicationEvents_11_NewMailEx

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Outlook 365 32 bit
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Using Visual Studio 2022
outlook 365 with IMAP account
VSTO addin. c#

Event : newmaileX to capture every incoming email. If certain subject, then I enter text into the body. If body is html, I find the tag and insert after. I have create a button on ribbon to test, and the email subject is altered and new text is in the body. fine so far. When the newmailex is fired, it runs my code, but sometimes it does not save the changes, and sometimes it does.

Why ?

if I add "mailItem.Save()" this works, but I then get duplicates of the same email. Sometimes upto 10 duplicates. Is this an IMAP thing ? Below is my code.

I have tried just VBA instead of the vsto, with newmailex and i get the same results.

    void NewMail_Event(String entryIDCollection)
        Outlook.NameSpace outlookNS = this.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI");
        Outlook.MailItem mailItem = null;

            string sTag;
            string sBody;
            int nPos;
            sTag = "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr bgcolor=\"#f5e942\"><td><font color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"4\">";
            sTag += "This email originated from outside and was not listed in our safe senders list.<br>";
            sTag += "DO NOT action, click on any links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.";
            sTag += "</font></td></tr></table><br>";
            string sSubject = null;
            string filter = "[EXTERNAL]";
            string[] sEmails = entryIDCollection.Split(',');
            foreach (string sEmail in sEmails)
                mailItem = (Outlook.MailItem)outlookNS.GetItemFromID(sEmail, Type.Missing);
                if (mailItem.Subject != null)
                    File.AppendAllText("c:\\1data\\desktop\\vstolog.txt", mailItem.Subject + "\r\n");
                    if (mailItem.Subject.Length >= 10)
                        if (mailItem.Subject.ToUpper().StartsWith(filter))
                            sSubject = mailItem.Subject.Substring(filter.Length, mailItem.Subject.Length - filter.Length);
                            mailItem.Subject = sSubject;

                            sBody = mailItem.HTMLBody;

                            if (sBody.Contains("<body>") || sBody.Contains("<BODY>"))
                                if (sBody.Contains("<BODY>"))
                                    sBody = sBody.Replace("<BODY>", "<body>" + sTag);
                                    sBody = sBody.Replace("<body>", "<body>" + sTag);
                                if (sBody.Contains("<body") || sBody.Contains("<BODY"))

                                    if (sBody.Contains("<body"))
                                        nPos = sBody.IndexOf("<body", 0);
                                        nPos = sBody.IndexOf("<BODY", 0);
                                    nPos = sBody.IndexOf(">", nPos);
                                    sBody = sBody.Insert(nPos + 1, sTag);

                                    sBody = sTag + sBody;

                            if (mailItem.BodyFormat == OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML)
                                mailItem.HTMLBody = sBody;
                                mailItem.Body = sBody;
                mailItem = null;

        catch (Exception eX)

            if (mailItem != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(mailItem);
            mailItem = null;
            if (outlookNS != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(outlookNS);
            outlookNS = null;
Using Visual Studio 2022
outlook 365 with IMAP account
VSTO addin. c#

Event : newmaileX to capture every incoming email. If certain subject, then I enter text into the body. If body is html, I find the tag and insert after. I have create a button on ribbon to test, and the email subject is altered and new text is in the body. fine so far. When the newmailex is fired, it runs my code, but sometimes it does not save the changes, and sometimes it does.

Why ?

if I add "mailItem.Save()" this works, but I then get duplicates of the same email. Sometimes upto 10 duplicates. Is this an IMAP thing ? Below is my code.

I have tried just VBA instead of the vsto, with newmailex and i get the same results.

    void NewMail_Event(String entryIDCollection)
        Outlook.NameSpace outlookNS = this.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI");
        Outlook.MailItem mailItem = null;

            string sTag;
            string sBody;
            int nPos;
            sTag = "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr bgcolor=\"#f5e942\"><td><font color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"4\">";
            sTag += "This email originated from outside and was not listed in our safe senders list.<br>";
            sTag += "DO NOT action, click on any links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.";
            sTag += "</font></td></tr></table><br>";
            string sSubject = null;
            string filter = "[EXTERNAL]";
            string[] sEmails = entryIDCollection.Split(',');
            foreach (string sEmail in sEmails)
                mailItem = (Outlook.MailItem)outlookNS.GetItemFromID(sEmail, Type.Missing);
                if (mailItem.Subject != null)
                    File.AppendAllText("c:\\1data\\desktop\\vstolog.txt", mailItem.Subject + "\r\n");
                    if (mailItem.Subject.Length >= 10)
                        if (mailItem.Subject.ToUpper().StartsWith(filter))
                            sSubject = mailItem.Subject.Substring(filter.Length, mailItem.Subject.Length - filter.Length);
                            mailItem.Subject = sSubject;

                            sBody = mailItem.HTMLBody;

                            if (sBody.Contains("<body>") || sBody.Contains("<BODY>"))
                                if (sBody.Contains("<BODY>"))
                                    sBody = sBody.Replace("<BODY>", "<body>" + sTag);
                                    sBody = sBody.Replace("<body>", "<body>" + sTag);
                                if (sBody.Contains("<body") || sBody.Contains("<BODY"))

                                    if (sBody.Contains("<body"))
                                        nPos = sBody.IndexOf("<body", 0);
                                        nPos = sBody.IndexOf("<BODY", 0);
                                    nPos = sBody.IndexOf(">", nPos);
                                    sBody = sBody.Insert(nPos + 1, sTag);

                                    sBody = sTag + sBody;

                            if (mailItem.BodyFormat == OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML)
                                mailItem.HTMLBody = sBody;
                                mailItem.Body = sBody;
                mailItem = null;

        catch (Exception eX)

            if (mailItem != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(mailItem);
            mailItem = null;
            if (outlookNS != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(outlookNS);
            outlookNS = null;

Should I finish the code with "mailitem.save" ? Initally, it was inserting my tag in teh body without this line. but somewhere I have broken it, and now it does not work. the event fires each time, but the changes are not made in the email. If I add "mailitem.save" this is when I get the double up emails in the inbox. So I suppose, if I can get an answer if I should be using the save or not, then will give me somewhere to work from. thanks in advanced
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