Outlook wont .quit

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rich007
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I originally posted this under Word Programming, but I've not had any

response, so I thought I should try my luck with the friendly Outlook


I've managed to pull together this code which tests whether Word is used as

the e-mail editor by Outlook (all Office 2003). Running the code from Word,

it appears to work well, except that if it had to open its own Outlook

application (i.e. if Outlook was NOT running at the start) it is supposed to

Quit Outlook with the

olApp.Quit line. But at the end I still have a running Outlook.exe process

in my task manager! Even more strange is that if I run the code a second

time it can't use the existing Outlook application and enters the "If Err <
0 Then" loop, so it's as if Outlook was closed, but stayed in the


Furthermore, if I then start Outlook from the start menu, a second

Outlook.exe appears in the TaskManager and the new Outlook hangs with a

white, empty window!

Why doesn't Outlook quit with this code?

Also, is there an easier way to do this by interogating the Outlook settings

in the registry, thus completely avoiding having to open Outlook?

Many thanks. Here's the code (all in a Word VBA module):

Sub CallTestOutlook()

Dim WordIsUsedByOutlook As String

If TestOutlook = True Then

WordIsUsedByOutlook = "IS"


WordIsUsedByOutlook = "IS NOT"

End If

MsgBox "Word " & WordIsUsedByOutlook & " used by Outlook."

End Sub

Function TestOutlook() As Boolean

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application

Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem

Dim olInspector As Outlook.Inspector

Dim bStarted As Boolean

'Get a handle on the Outlook Application (if it is running)

On Error Resume Next

Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")

'If Outlook is not running then start Outlook

If Err <> 0 Then

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

bStarted = True


On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

End If

'Create a MailItem and and Inspector for it

Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

Set olInspector = olMail.GetInspector

'Test whether Word is used by Outlook as e-mail editor

If olInspector.IsWordMail Then

TestOutlook = True


TestOutlook = False

End If

Set olInspector = Nothing

Set olMail = Nothing

'Close Outlook if it was started by this macro.

If bStarted Then


End If

Set olApp = Nothing

Exit Function


MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description

End Function


I fail to see why Outlook wouldn't quit, see if adding a line like this

would help:

olApp.Session.Logon "", "", False, False

'Create a MailItem and and Inspector for it

Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

You can check at

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Options\Mail\UseWordMail (a

REG_DWORD, 1 = yes). The "11.0" is specific to Outlook 2003.

"Rich007" <Rich007> wrote in message

> Hi,
> I originally posted this under Word Programming, but I've not had any
> response, so I thought I should try my luck with the friendly Outlook
> Experts...

> I've managed to pull together this code which tests whether Word is used
> as
> the e-mail editor by Outlook (all Office 2003). Running the code from
> Word,
> it appears to work well, except that if it had to open its own Outlook
> application (i.e. if Outlook was NOT running at the start) it is supposed
> to
> Quit Outlook with the
> olApp.Quit line. But at the end I still have a running Outlook.exe
> process
> in my task manager! Even more strange is that if I run the code a second
> time it can't use the existing Outlook application and enters the "If Err
> <
> 0 Then" loop, so it's as if Outlook was closed, but stayed in the
> TaskManager...

> Furthermore, if I then start Outlook from the start menu, a second
> Outlook.exe appears in the TaskManager and the new Outlook hangs with a
> white, empty window!

> Why doesn't Outlook quit with this code?

> Also, is there an easier way to do this by interogating the Outlook
> settings
> in the registry, thus completely avoiding having to open Outlook?

> Many thanks. Here's the code (all in a Word VBA module):

> Sub CallTestOutlook()
> Dim WordIsUsedByOutlook As String

> If TestOutlook = True Then
> WordIsUsedByOutlook = "IS"
> Else
> WordIsUsedByOutlook = "IS NOT"
> End If

> MsgBox "Word " & WordIsUsedByOutlook & " used by Outlook."
> End Sub

> Function TestOutlook() As Boolean
> Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
> Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
> Dim olInspector As Outlook.Inspector
> Dim bStarted As Boolean

> 'Get a handle on the Outlook Application (if it is running)
> On Error Resume Next
> Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")

> 'If Outlook is not running then start Outlook
> If Err <> 0 Then
> On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
> Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
> bStarted = True
> Else
> On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
> End If

> 'Create a MailItem and and Inspector for it
> Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
> Set olInspector = olMail.GetInspector

> 'Test whether Word is used by Outlook as e-mail editor
> If olInspector.IsWordMail Then
> TestOutlook = True
> Else
> TestOutlook = False
> End If

> Set olInspector = Nothing
> Set olMail = Nothing

> 'Close Outlook if it was started by this macro.
> If bStarted Then
> olApp.Quit
> End If

> Set olApp = Nothing
> Exit Function
> ErrorHandler:
> MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
> End Function

> Cheers
> Rich
Hi Ken, thank you so much for responding.

I tried your suggested extra line of code before creating the MailItem, but

it made no difference. So I tried gradually commenting out lines of code

until Outlook does quit. It appears to be the line:

Set olInspector = olMail.GetInspector

that is causing the issue. If I don't call that line Outlook quits as

ordered. If I do include that line, Outlook stays in the TaskManager. Any


Thanks also for providing the registry address. I have never used VBA to

interogate the registry. Would you recommend I use the API route as

described here: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/145679 ...or

go down the scripting route as described here:

http://vba-corner.livejournal.com/3054.html ?

(these are the first two results I've found in Google).

Thanks again.



> I fail to see why Outlook wouldn't quit, see if adding a line like this
> would help:

> olApp.Session.Logon "", "", False, False

> 'Create a MailItem and and Inspector for it
> Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

> You can check at
> HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Options\Mail\UseWordMail (a
> REG_DWORD, 1 = yes). The "11.0" is specific to Outlook 2003.

> >


> "Rich007" <Rich007> wrote in message
> news:D9CF2B5E-BE00-4BC7-B533-B68682B51052@microsoft.com...
> > Hi,
> > I originally posted this under Word Programming, but I've not had any
> > response, so I thought I should try my luck with the friendly Outlook
> > Experts...
> > I've managed to pull together this code which tests whether Word is used
> > as
> > the e-mail editor by Outlook (all Office 2003). Running the code from
> > Word,
> > it appears to work well, except that if it had to open its own Outlook
> > application (i.e. if Outlook was NOT running at the start) it is supposed
> > to
> > Quit Outlook with the
> > olApp.Quit line. But at the end I still have a running Outlook.exe
> > process
> > in my task manager! Even more strange is that if I run the code a second
> > time it can't use the existing Outlook application and enters the "If Err
> > <
> > 0 Then" loop, so it's as if Outlook was closed, but stayed in the
> > TaskManager...
> > Furthermore, if I then start Outlook from the start menu, a second
> > Outlook.exe appears in the TaskManager and the new Outlook hangs with a
> > white, empty window!
> > Why doesn't Outlook quit with this code?
> > Also, is there an easier way to do this by interogating the Outlook
> > settings
> > in the registry, thus completely avoiding having to open Outlook?
> > Many thanks. Here's the code (all in a Word VBA module):
> > Sub CallTestOutlook()
> > Dim WordIsUsedByOutlook As String
> > If TestOutlook = True Then
> > WordIsUsedByOutlook = "IS"
> > Else
> > WordIsUsedByOutlook = "IS NOT"
> > End If
> > MsgBox "Word " & WordIsUsedByOutlook & " used by Outlook."
> > End Sub
> > Function TestOutlook() As Boolean
> > Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
> > Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
> > Dim olInspector As Outlook.Inspector
> > Dim bStarted As Boolean
> > 'Get a handle on the Outlook Application (if it is running)
> > On Error Resume Next
> > Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
> > 'If Outlook is not running then start Outlook
> > If Err <> 0 Then
> > On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
> > Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
> > bStarted = True
> > Else
> > On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
> > End If
> > 'Create a MailItem and and Inspector for it
> > Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
> > Set olInspector = olMail.GetInspector
> > 'Test whether Word is used by Outlook as e-mail editor
> > If olInspector.IsWordMail Then
> > TestOutlook = True
> > Else
> > TestOutlook = False
> > End If
> > Set olInspector = Nothing
> > Set olMail = Nothing
> > 'Close Outlook if it was started by this macro.
> > If bStarted Then
> > olApp.Quit
> > End If
> > Set olApp = Nothing
> > Exit Function
> > ErrorHandler:
> > MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
> > End Function
> > Cheers
> > Rich
> >

In that case try closing the Inspector object when you're done with it,

before you set it to Nothing.

Six of one, half dozen of another as far as reading the registry for that

value. What are you most comfortable with? The only caution is if someone is

running A-V with one of those script stoppers it might prevent the script

access from working.

"Rich007" <Rich007> wrote in message

> Hi Ken, thank you so much for responding.
> I tried your suggested extra line of code before creating the MailItem,
> but
> it made no difference. So I tried gradually commenting out lines of code
> until Outlook does quit. It appears to be the line:
> Set olInspector = olMail.GetInspector
> that is causing the issue. If I don't call that line Outlook quits as
> ordered. If I do include that line, Outlook stays in the TaskManager.
> Any
> ideas?

> Thanks also for providing the registry address. I have never used VBA to
> interogate the registry. Would you recommend I use the API route as
> described here: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/145679
> ...or
> go down the scripting route as described here:
> http://vba-corner.livejournal.com/3054.html ?
> (these are the first two results I've found in Google).

> Thanks again.
> Cheers
> Rich
That's it! Thank you Ken.

I needed to close BOTH the Inspector AND the MailItem before calling the

> .quit command. All works fine now, although I suspect I will interogate the

registry rather than Outlook itself, since Outlook is slow when it starts

(and if it is open for long enough the calendar reminders can pop up!). I

got the registry query functions working using the API functions provided at

this site:


Incidentally, the 2 registry values that sets whether Word is used by

Outlook 2003 are at:

[HKCU\] Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Options\Mail

"UseWordMail" is 1 if the "Use Microsoft Office Word 2003 to read Rich Text

e-mail messages" is checked (zero if not).


"EditorPreference" which corresponds to the "Use Microsoft Office Word 2003

to edit e-mail messages" checkbox has the following values:

Word is NOT used if EditorPreference is set to either:

' 131072 = HTML/Outlook

' 196610 = Rich Text/Outlook

' 65536 = Plain Text/Outlook

Word IS used if EditorPreference is set to either:

' 196609 = Rich Text/Microsoft Word

' 65537 = Plain Text/Microsoft Word

' 131073 = HTML/Microsoft Word

So my macro for interogating the registry has to test for all these values.

In case anyone else does want to work directly with Outlook to determine

these settings, here is the working function to do it (returns true or false).

Function TestOutlook() As Boolean

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application

Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem

Dim olInspector As Outlook.Inspector

Dim bStarted As Boolean

'Get a handle on the Outlook Application (if it is running)

On Error Resume Next

Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")

'If Outlook is not running then start Outlook

If Err <> 0 Then

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

bStarted = True


On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

End If

'Create a MailItem and an Inspector for it

Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

Set olInspector = olMail.GetInspector

'Test whether Word is used by Outlook as e-mail editor

If olInspector.IsWordMail Then

TestOutlook = True 'Function output


TestOutlook = False 'Function output

End If

'Close the Inspector and the MailItem

olInspector.Close (olDiscard) 'MUST HAVE THESE FOR OUTLOOK TO QUIT!

olMail.Close (olDiscard)

'Close Outlook if it was started by this macro.

If bStarted Then


End If

'Clean up

Set olInspector = Nothing

Set olMail = Nothing

Set olApp = Nothing

Exit Function


MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description

End Function

Thanks again Ken.



> In that case try closing the Inspector object when you're done with it,
> before you set it to Nothing.

> Six of one, half dozen of another as far as reading the registry for that
> value. What are you most comfortable with? The only caution is if someone is
> running A-V with one of those script stoppers it might prevent the script
> access from working.

> >


> "Rich007" <Rich007> wrote in message
> news:FB50970E-FAD7-40E0-9BEB-8490815839AA@microsoft.com...
> > Hi Ken, thank you so much for responding.
> > I tried your suggested extra line of code before creating the MailItem,
> > but
> > it made no difference. So I tried gradually commenting out lines of code
> > until Outlook does quit. It appears to be the line:
> > Set olInspector = olMail.GetInspector
> > that is causing the issue. If I don't call that line Outlook quits as
> > ordered. If I do include that line, Outlook stays in the TaskManager.
> > Any
> > ideas?
> > Thanks also for providing the registry address. I have never used VBA to
> > interogate the registry. Would you recommend I use the API route as
> > described here: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/145679
> > ...or
> > go down the scripting route as described here:
> > http://vba-corner.livejournal.com/3054.html ?
> > (these are the first two results I've found in Google).
> > Thanks again.
> > Cheers
> > Rich

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