Selected date on calendar

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marc Weichhold
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Marc Weichhold


I am trying to get the selected date from the calendar month view. I already

learned that the calendar view object itself does not provide any means to

get that data, however, I found Sue Moshers solution on

Basically, it fetches the command for a new appointment, executes it (so the

new appointment form would open), reads the start and end date from the form

and closes it again. The problem here is that the execute command does not

"work" - there is no new appointment form that opens. No error message, no

exception, just nothing is happening.

Several other readers had that problem, too, and the solution seemed to be

that the command bars had to be reset. But I did not change any command bars

here (no custom commands yet), so I can not reset them.

Can anyone help me?

The command being executed is the New, Appointment command on the Standard

toolbar. Is that being displayed and are you displaying a calendar folder

when you execute your code?

What if you switch the command button and try using 1992 as the button ID to

execute, does that work? That's the Actions, New Appointment button.

"Marc Weichhold" <> wrote in message

> Hello,

> I am trying to get the selected date from the calendar month view. I
> already learned that the calendar view object itself does not provide any
> means to get that data, however, I found Sue Moshers solution on


> Basically, it fetches the command for a new appointment, executes it (so
> the new appointment form would open), reads the start and end date from
> the form and closes it again. The problem here is that the execute command
> does not "work" - there is no new appointment form that opens. No error
> message, no exception, just nothing is happening.

> Several other readers had that problem, too, and the solution seemed to be
> that the command bars had to be reset. But I did not change any command
> bars here (no custom commands yet), so I can not reset them.

> Can anyone help me?

> Marc
Hello Ken.

> The command being executed is the New, Appointment command on the Standard
> toolbar. Is that being displayed and are you displaying a calendar folder
> when you execute your code?

Yes, I am displaying the calendar month view when the code is executed and

the command (New, Appointment) is displayed on the standard toolbar.

> What if you switch the command button and try using 1992 as the button ID
> to execute, does that work? That's the Actions, New Appointment button.

I tried it and the behavior is the same as before. The execute command does

not open the appointment form and I get no error or exception.

The "funny" part is, for testing purposes I changed the caption of the

command right before I call the execute method - and that works. The caption

is changed, but the execute method is still without effect.


PS: Btw, if that is important, I am using Outlook 2007 with Exchange Server

2007 and a Visual Studio 2008 Developer Edition. The AddIn language is C#.

one more information. I tried the code from Sue as a VBA macro - and it



Now I'm confused.

The code Sue had up is an Outlook VBA macro. What were you trying it as


If the code wasn't running inside the Outlook VBA project it would never

work as written, the Application object referenced wouldn't be an

Outlook.Application object.

"Marc Weichhold" <> wrote in message

> Hello,

> one more information. I tried the code from Sue as a VBA macro - and it
> worked.

> Strange...

> Marc
Hello Ken,

> The code Sue had up is an Outlook VBA macro. What were you trying it as
> previously?

> If the code wasn't running inside the Outlook VBA project it would never
> work as written, the Application object referenced wouldn't be an
> Outlook.Application object.

I used the code in a VSTO-AddIn written in C#. Of course, I made some

changes so it would compile and run. It is not that hard, after all I GET

the right button. I can read its properties, even change them. All that does

not work - in the C#-AddIn - is the Execute-method.

For C# the code changes to:

// Application is of type Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application

Outlook.Explorer objExpl = Application.ActiveExplorer();

if(objExpl != null)


Outlook.Folder objFolder = (Outlook.Folder)objExpl.CurrentFolder;

if(objFolder.DefaultItemType == Outlook.OlItemType.olAppointmentItem)


Office.CommandBarButton objCB =

(Office.CommandBarButton)objExpl.CommandBars.FindControl(Type.Missing, 1106,

Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

if(objCB != null)



Outlook.AppointmentItem objAppt =


DateTime dtStart = objAppt.Start;

DateTime dtEnd = objAppt.End;





And as I said, if I place

objCB.Caption = "BlahBlah";



then the caption of the button is changed.

If you were to breakpoint on the line:

DateTime dtStart = objAppt.Start;

does an Inspector ever get opened with the appointment?

I just tried your code and it works here with no problems with Outlook 2007

and a VSTO addin written in C#. I fired the code from a button click in an

Explorer window, the code ran from my Explorer wrapper class. About the only

change I made was to just use the class level Explorer object in the wrapper

and not use an Application object to get ActiveExplorer(). Other than that

my code was a copy and paste of yours. So I'm not sure why it's not working

for you.

"Marc Weichhold" <> wrote in message

> Hello Ken,
> > The code Sue had up is an Outlook VBA macro. What were you trying it as
> > previously?

>> If the code wasn't running inside the Outlook VBA project it would never
> > work as written, the Application object referenced wouldn't be an
> > Outlook.Application object.
> >

> I used the code in a VSTO-AddIn written in C#. Of course, I made some
> changes so it would compile and run. It is not that hard, after all I GET
> the right button. I can read its properties, even change them. All that
> does not work - in the C#-AddIn - is the Execute-method.

> For C# the code changes to:

> // Application is of type Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application
> Outlook.Explorer objExpl = Application.ActiveExplorer();
> if(objExpl != null)
> {
> Outlook.Folder objFolder = (Outlook.Folder)objExpl.CurrentFolder;
> if(objFolder.DefaultItemType == Outlook.OlItemType.olAppointmentItem)
> {
> Office.CommandBarButton objCB =
> (Office.CommandBarButton)objExpl.CommandBars.FindControl(Type.Missing,
> 1106, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
> if(objCB != null)
> {
> objCB.Execute();
> Outlook.AppointmentItem objAppt =
> (Outlook.AppointmentItem)Application.ActiveInspector().CurrentItem;
> DateTime dtStart = objAppt.Start;
> DateTime dtEnd = objAppt.End;

> ((Outlook._AppointmentItem)objAppt).Close(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlInspectorClose.olDiscard);
> }
> }
> }

> And as I said, if I place

> objCB.Caption = "BlahBlah";

> before

> objCB.Execute();

> then the caption of the button is changed.

> Marc
Hello Ken,

> If you were to breakpoint on the line:

> DateTime dtStart = objAppt.Start;

> does an Inspector ever get opened with the appointment?

No, there is no Inspector opened at all. The code does throw an exception at

the line

Outlook.AppointmentItem objAppt =


because the method ActiveInspector() returns null. And that's why it would

never reach a breakpoint at the line with dtStart. If I understood it right,

the button's Execute-method is supposed to open a new Inspector object

(which then does open the appointment form). But that never happens, so

there is no ActiveInspector at all after the Execute command. The container

Application.Inspectors is also empty at the point (Count = 0).

> I just tried your code and it works here with no problems with Outlook
> 2007 and a VSTO addin written in C#. I fired the code from a button click
> in an Explorer window, the code ran from my Explorer wrapper class. About
> the only change I made was to just use the class level Explorer object in
> the wrapper and not use an Application object to get ActiveExplorer().
> Other than that my code was a copy and paste of yours. So I'm not sure why
> it's not working for you.

Beats me, too. From your experience, would you really think that the

Explorer object is the "problem"? I mean, after all I can manipulate the

button object that I get from the Explorer's command bars...


PS: Happy Holidays.
I have no idea what the problem is since the same code worked perfectly

here. I tested it in Outlook 2007, with a VSTO addin written in C# with your

code. That's about as close as I can get to whatever your setup is.

Are you running any Outlook addins at all? I'd disable any that might be

running just on the off chance that some other addin is messing up yours.

But I wouldn't put money on that being the problem.

Happy holidays to you too, and to everyone here.

"Marc Weichhold" <> wrote in message

> Hello Ken,
> > If you were to breakpoint on the line:

>> DateTime dtStart = objAppt.Start;

>> does an Inspector ever get opened with the appointment?
> >

> No, there is no Inspector opened at all. The code does throw an exception
> at the line

> Outlook.AppointmentItem objAppt =
> (Outlook.AppointmentItem)Application.ActiveInspector().CurrentItem;

> because the method ActiveInspector() returns null. And that's why it would
> never reach a breakpoint at the line with dtStart. If I understood it
> right, the button's Execute-method is supposed to open a new Inspector
> object (which then does open the appointment form). But that never
> happens, so there is no ActiveInspector at all after the Execute command.
> The container Application.Inspectors is also empty at the point (Count =
> 0).
> > I just tried your code and it works here with no problems with Outlook
> > 2007 and a VSTO addin written in C#. I fired the code from a button click
> > in an Explorer window, the code ran from my Explorer wrapper class. About
> > the only change I made was to just use the class level Explorer object in
> > the wrapper and not use an Application object to get ActiveExplorer().
> > Other than that my code was a copy and paste of yours. So I'm not sure
> > why it's not working for you.
> >

> Beats me, too. From your experience, would you really think that the
> Explorer object is the "problem"? I mean, after all I can manipulate the
> button object that I get from the Explorer's command bars...

> Marc

> PS: Happy Holidays.
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