How to get Inspector object from Window handle

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom
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I post this question on Outlook-General and administrator suggest me putting


I am able to get any window handle from outlook. For each of these window

handle I've tried AccessibleObjectFromWindow( hWnd, (DWORD)OBJID_NATIVEOM,

IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pDispWindow); I am able to get Word.Document object

from a window class as "_WwG". But I am not able to get Outlook.Inspedtor

object from any of these window.

Is there any way to get Outlook.Inspedtor object from one of these window?

Thanks in advance.

You can how the other way around? For a given window handle, find its

topmost parent, then compare that handle with all the window handles for

each inspector in the Application.Inspectors collection (use IOleWindows for

each inspector).

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)


"Tom" <Tom> wrote in message
> Hi,

> I post this question on Outlook-General and administrator suggest me
> putting
> here.

> I am able to get any window handle from outlook. For each of these window
> handle I've tried AccessibleObjectFromWindow( hWnd, (DWORD)OBJID_NATIVEOM,
> IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pDispWindow); I am able to get Word.Document
> object
> from a window class as "_WwG". But I am not able to get Outlook.Inspedtor
> object from any of these window.

> Is there any way to get Outlook.Inspedtor object from one of these window?

> Thanks in advance.

> Tom
Thanks Dmity, finally I am able to find a way to get Inspector object.

Because there is only ONE Outlook running in one system. I am able to get

Outlook Application object without window handle. From Application object I

have no problem doing anything as same in VBA.


"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote:

> You can how the other way around? For a given window handle, find its
> topmost parent, then compare that handle with all the window handles for
> each inspector in the Application.Inspectors collection (use IOleWindows for
> each inspector).

> > Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)



> -
> "Tom" <Tom> wrote in message
> > Hi,
> > I post this question on Outlook-General and administrator suggest me
> > putting
> > here.
> > I am able to get any window handle from outlook. For each of these window
> > handle I've tried AccessibleObjectFromWindow( hWnd, (DWORD)OBJID_NATIVEOM,
> > IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pDispWindow); I am able to get Word.Document
> > object
> > from a window class as "_WwG". But I am not able to get Outlook.Inspedtor
> > object from any of these window.
> > Is there any way to get Outlook.Inspedtor object from one of these window?
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Tom
> >

> .
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