Sebastian S.
Hello out there!
Is there any chance of setting the PR_MESSAGEFLAGS property (deleting
MSGFLAG_UNSENT) for an object? What I've read it should be possible just
before the first savechanges call. Is this for sure? Because it doesn't seem
to work here. C++ mapi code in a DLL.
The mainproblem is, that i use the display() method in an Add-In (2007, c#,
vsto3) which makes use of that DLL for item creation and manipulation.
Calling display() of the DLL-created Outlook.MailItem brings up an
compose-inspector but what I want is an read-inspector...
Is there any chance of setting the PR_MESSAGEFLAGS property (deleting
MSGFLAG_UNSENT) for an object? What I've read it should be possible just
before the first savechanges call. Is this for sure? Because it doesn't seem
to work here. C++ mapi code in a DLL.
The mainproblem is, that i use the display() method in an Add-In (2007, c#,
vsto3) which makes use of that DLL for item creation and manipulation.
Calling display() of the DLL-created Outlook.MailItem brings up an
compose-inspector but what I want is an read-inspector...