Read Outlook Form fields

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Outlook 365 64 bit
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Exchange Server
I'm only now realizing how in over my head I am with this project I'm working on, bear with me through any faux-pas or misunderstandings, my lexicon is rather new yet.

The problem:
I've got an Excel file loaded up with data as a scheduling tool for the agency I work for. Its purpose is to send out an email, and make a new task item, for the employees of this company. Currently, it emails and will receive pre-determined responses just fine. Occasionally though an employee won't respond with exact character phrases, ("Yes" or "No" vs "Mno" or "es") - this breaks the regex because its not finding a match anymore.

I was looking to resolve the issue of not having pre-defined responses by making a user-form to send to the employees in replace of an email. Pursuant to this goal I've figured the best possible method would be check boxes/radio buttons. However, I'm not at all sure how to publish these forms to the employees of my office, furthermore, I am unsure how to get VBA to read the responses indicated by the user-form.

I need a user-form or something similar to give to my employees so that they can ONLY answer with predetermined responses. How do I publish a user-form like that, and furthermore, how do I read for responses?

Any guidance is much appreciated.

Thank you!
I was looking to resolve the issue of not having pre-defined responses by making a user-form to send to the employees in replace of an email. Pursuant to this goal I've figured the best possible method would be check boxes/radio buttons. However, I'm not at all sure how to publish these forms to the employees of my office, furthermore, I am unsure how to get VBA to read the responses indicated by the user-form.
This would only work in an Exchange environment where you can use RTF formatted email and publish the form in an org forms library.
This would only work in an Exchange environment where you can use RTF formatted email and publish the form in an org forms library.
Hmm... I see...

I'll do some reading and research this a little more in depth. Thanks of orienting me in the right direction!! I had no idea which rock to even begin looking under!
This would only work in an Exchange environment where you can use RTF formatted email and publish the form in an org forms library.
Hey Diane,

I'm having a really hard time grasping this. I'm not sure why its sticky, but I'm feeling kinda mired.

I've done some reading about making custom outlook forms. I seem to have successfully made a few test forms, however, I cannot get my test forms to carry the radio button/check boxes into the reply form for my employee to manipulate the buttons. When I open the form I made, I can see the radio buttons/check boxes and make changes accordingly. However, when I hit send and attempt to reply to the form generated email, I don't see any of the form features anymore. I read in a few articles about Sending forms and Replying forms, is this something to do with the mentioned behavior?

I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong, I'm just not sure what.

Furthermore, I'm having a difficult time finding information online about retrieving values specifically from checkbox/radio button controls on a form. I've seen plenty of examples of extracting the body of text from a textbox, or a filled-in-textbox... If its basically identical, sub the object name, I'm certain I can ferret my way through with minimal help.

Any guidance is deeply appreciated.

Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong, or where I might find more information?
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