I have an email address given to me by my college and their system doesn't
have pop or imap capability, so I have it set up to forward all mail to my
gmail address. I download my email from gmail with pop3 to Outlook 2003.
The problem is that when I want to reply to emails sent to my @school address
I have to go the college's web mail system, or else if I reply from Outlook
it makes the "from" address my gmail address. Is there a way to use a script
to change the "from" address on replies to my school address, or if not, is
there a script that could make Outlook slap my hand if I forget that I
shouldn't reply to @school emails from Outlook? There aren't that many
@school emails that I need to reply to so sometimes I reply without thinking
have pop or imap capability, so I have it set up to forward all mail to my
gmail address. I download my email from gmail with pop3 to Outlook 2003.
The problem is that when I want to reply to emails sent to my @school address
I have to go the college's web mail system, or else if I reply from Outlook
it makes the "from" address my gmail address. Is there a way to use a script
to change the "from" address on replies to my school address, or if not, is
there a script that could make Outlook slap my hand if I forget that I
shouldn't reply to @school emails from Outlook? There aren't that many
@school emails that I need to reply to so sometimes I reply without thinking