MAPI programming issue - outbox doesn't exist?

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Hi, I'm not sure where I need to post this question, but I guess this

Discussion Group is the closest match, so here goes:

(BTW: if anyone can suggest a better place to ask this question, it would be

greatly appreciated. Thanks)

I'm trying to write a very simple console app that I can call from within a

batch script that will send me a very simple email when [some event] happens.

I get as far as IMAPISession::OpenMsgStore. But after that, when I try to

call GetProps to retrieve the ENTRY ID of the outbox folder, it returns

MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED, and my subsequent attempt to IMsgStore::OpenEntry on

the outbox folder fails with E_INVALIDARG. Before I get into the things I've

tried, please refer to the code below: (sorry for the length and inelegance -

I don't do much coding)

#include "stdafx.h"

//Global MAPI function pointers





LPCSTR g_szMapiComponentGUID;

WCHAR* mapi32 = _T("\\Windows\\System32\\mapi32.dll\0");


IMAPISession* pSession = NULL;

IMAPITable* pTable = NULL;

SRowSet* pSRowSet;

IMsgStore* pMsgStore;

SPropTagArray propTags = { 1, {PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID} };

ULONG propCount;

LPSPropValue pSPropValue;

ULONG objType;


void InitializeMapiFunctions()


//Load the DLL

hMod = LoadLibrary(szMAPIDLL);

//Initialize MAPI functions

pfnMAPIInitialize = (LPMAPIINITIALIZE) GetProcAddress(hMod,


pfnMAPIUninitialize = (LPMAPIUNINITIALIZE) GetProcAddress(hMod,


pfnMAPILogonEx = (LPMAPILOGONEX) GetProcAddress(hMod, "MAPILogonEx");


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])




hr = (*pfnMAPIInitialize)(NULL);

if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nHey it worked!!!\n\n");

hr = NULL;


(LPMAPISESSION *)&pSession);

if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nHey! We're logged on!!!\n\n");



if(hr == MAPI_E_TIMEOUT) printf("\n\nHMAPI_E_TIMEOUT!!\n\n");



hr = NULL;

hr = pSession->GetMsgStoresTable(0, &pTable);

if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nGot the Message Store


hr = NULL;

hr = pTable->QueryRows(1, 0, &pSRowSet);

if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nGot the first row of the message

store table!!!\n\n");

hr = NULL;

hr = pSession->OpenMsgStore(0,






if(hr == S_OK) printf("Message store is


hr = NULL;

//The next function returns


struct defined at the top of this code). When I pass in NULL, it puts a bunch

of properties into the pSPropValue array, NONE of which are the outbox!

hr = pMsgStore->GetProps(&propTags/*NULL*/,

0, &propCount, &pSPropValue);

if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nGot the Entry ID

for the outbox folder!!!%d %d\n", propCount, pSPropValue->Value.bin.cb);





//As mentioned, pMsgStore->GetProps won't

give me the outbox property. So I also tried passing it NULL so it will give

me whatever properties it can and put them in pSPropValue[]. This for-loop

iterates through them and spits out their ulPropTag values for me (in hex).

for(int i = 0; i > (int) propCount; i++)




//This checks the ulPropTag

to see if it's the PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK property. If so, it shows me that



pSPropValue.ulPropTag) == ((LONG) 903806979)) printf("




hr = NULL;

//When I try to get the outbox with pMsgStore->GetProps, and

then pass the resulting ENTRYID to this OpenEntry function, it fails with

E_INVALIDARG. When I get all properties by passing NULL to

pMsgStore->GetProps, I comment this part out of course.

hr = pMsgStore->OpenEntry((ULONG)pSPropValue[0]Value.bin.cb,






if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nOutbox is open for


if(hr == MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS) printf("\nMAPI_E_NO_ACCESS\n");

//When pMsgStore->OpenEntry returns E_INVALIDARG, (which it

always does), I make it show me what the value is for

pSPropValue[0].Value.bin.cb, and it's always some crazy garbage value. Which

I suppose explains the E_INVALIDARG error. :)

if(hr == E_INVALIDARG) printf("\nE_INVALIDARG


if(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) printf("\nE_OUTOFMEMORY\n");

if(hr == E_UNEXPECTED) printf("\nE_UNEXPECTED\n");

if(hr == E_FAIL) printf("\nE_FAIL\n");



return 0;


So... When I try to get the outbox prop with

hr = pMsgStore->GetProps(&propTags, 0, &propCount, &pSPropValue);

it completes with MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED. As far as I can tell, the MSDN

tells me to treat this as a success. Fine. So I just go with it, and my

subsequent call to

hr = pMsgStore->OpenEntry((ULONG)pSPropValue[0]Value.bin.cb,






fails with E_INVALIDARG. So I added this

if(hr == E_INVALIDARG) printf("\nE_INVALIDARG


> show just what is being passed in for pSPropValue[0].Value.bin.cb,

(which is supposed to be the count of bytes of pSPropValue[0]Value.bin.lpb,

the property's ENTRY_ID), and it turns out that it's some wacky number

"-2147221233". That explains the E_INVALIDARG error I suppose.

So the next thing I tried was to call pMsgStore->GetProps, this time passing

in NULL instead of propTags to see what all properties it actually puts into


hr = pMsgStore->GetProps(NULL, 0, &propCount, &pSPropValue);

and then I iterate through everything that was put into pSPropValue[] to see

what they are

for(int i = 0; i > (int) propCount; i++)


printf("%X %d",pSPropValue.ulPropTag,i);

if(((LONG) pSPropValue.ulPropTag) == ((LONG) 903806979))

printf(" %X",pSPropValue.Value.l);



also in the above for-loop is a line that will check for the

PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK property, and print that mask in hex. Here's what it

spits out:

E340102 0

E380003 1

FF90102 2

3001001E 3

34160102 4

7C040102 5

7C06101E 6

7C070102 7

7C0C0003 8

7C0D0014 9

7C11000B 10

7C130003 11

FF70003 12

FFA0102 13

FFB0102 14

FFE0003 15

FFF0102 16

300B0102 17

340D0003 18

340E0003 19

340F0003 20

34140102 21

35DF0003 22 FF

35E00102 23

66200102 24

66210102 25

66240102 26

66300102 27

66310102 28

6632000B 29

65E40003 30

For the PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID property, the high order 16 bits is supposed

to be 35E2. As you can see, it's not in the above list. :( The only 'special'

properties in the list that I can recognize are:



No outbox. Not to mention the fact that there's no inbox, drafts, etc... And

here's the kicker: You'll notice that the PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK was found and

it's mask was displayed as FF

35DF0003 22 FF

The FF mask means that all folders exist and are valid! As defined in


excerpt from mapidefs.h:

/* Flag bits for PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK */




((ULONG) 0x00000002)


((ULONG) 0x00000004)



((ULONG) 0x00000010)


((ULONG) 0x00000020)


((ULONG) 0x00000040)


((ULONG) 0x00000080)

but when I try to IMsgStore::GetProps for the outbox, it fails. And when I

look at the entire list of properties, the outbox isn't there! I've tried

this with Outlook (2007) open and closed. From within Outlook, I've tried

setting the permissions on my Mailbox as well as Outbox to "Owner" for both

Default and Anonymous. I only have one profile on this system, the default

profile; (it uses Exchange if that means anything).

Sorry for the looooong post. I'm at the end of my rope here!


Hi tsunamisama.

> Hi, I'm not sure where I need to post this question, but I guess this
> Discussion Group is the closest match, so here goes:
> (BTW: if anyone can suggest a better place to ask this question, it would
> be
> greatly appreciated. Thanks)

This might be better: microsoft.public.platformsdk.mapi

> I'm trying to write a very simple console app that I can call from within
> a
> batch script that will send me a very simple email when [some event]
> happens.
> I get as far as IMAPISession::OpenMsgStore. But after that, when I try to
> call GetProps to retrieve the ENTRY ID of the outbox folder, it returns
> MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED, and my subsequent attempt to IMsgStore::OpenEntry
> on
> the outbox folder fails with E_INVALIDARG. Before I get into the things
> I've
> tried, please refer to the code below: (sorry for the length and
> inelegance -
> I don't do much coding)

Please use MFCMAPI to check the content of your message store and see if

it contains the outbox entryid.

You find the executable and source code of mfcmapi, so you find lots of

sample code as well.

How many stores d oyou have in the profile? Why do you assume the very first

store will be the default one?

PF stores for example do not have the Outbox folder.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)


"tsunamisama" <tsunamisama> wrote in message
> Hi, I'm not sure where I need to post this question, but I guess this
> Discussion Group is the closest match, so here goes:
> (BTW: if anyone can suggest a better place to ask this question, it would
> be
> greatly appreciated. Thanks)

> I'm trying to write a very simple console app that I can call from within
> a
> batch script that will send me a very simple email when [some event]
> happens.
> I get as far as IMAPISession::OpenMsgStore. But after that, when I try to
> call GetProps to retrieve the ENTRY ID of the outbox folder, it returns
> MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED, and my subsequent attempt to IMsgStore::OpenEntry
> on
> the outbox folder fails with E_INVALIDARG. Before I get into the things
> I've
> tried, please refer to the code below: (sorry for the length and
> inelegance -
> I don't do much coding)

> #include "stdafx.h"

> //Global MAPI function pointers

> LPCSTR g_szMapiComponentGUID;
> WCHAR* mapi32 = _T("\\Windows\\System32\\mapi32.dll\0");
> LPCWSTR szMAPIDLL = mapi32;
> IMAPISession* pSession = NULL;
> IMAPITable* pTable = NULL;
> SRowSet* pSRowSet;
> IMsgStore* pMsgStore;
> SPropTagArray propTags = { 1, {PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID} };
> ULONG propCount;
> LPSPropValue pSPropValue;
> ULONG objType;

> void InitializeMapiFunctions()
> {
> //Load the DLL
> hMod = LoadLibrary(szMAPIDLL);

> //Initialize MAPI functions
> pfnMAPIInitialize = (LPMAPIINITIALIZE) GetProcAddress(hMod,
> "MAPIInitialize");
> pfnMAPIUninitialize = (LPMAPIUNINITIALIZE) GetProcAddress(hMod,
> "MAPIUninitialize");
> pfnMAPILogonEx = (LPMAPILOGONEX) GetProcAddress(hMod, "MAPILogonEx");
> }

> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
> {
> InitializeMapiFunctions();

> hr = (*pfnMAPIInitialize)(NULL);
> if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nHey it worked!!!\n\n");

> hr = NULL;
> hr = (*pfnMAPILogonEx)(0, NULL, NULL, MAPI_USE_DEFAULT,
> (LPMAPISESSION *)&pSession);
> if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nHey! We're logged on!!!\n\n");
> printf("\n\nMAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED!!\n\n");
> if(hr == MAPI_E_TIMEOUT)
> printf("\n\nHMAPI_E_TIMEOUT!!\n\n");
> if(hr == MAPI_E_USER_CANCEL)
> printf("\n\nMAPI_E_USER_CANCEL!!\n\n");

> hr = NULL;
> hr = pSession->GetMsgStoresTable(0, &pTable);
> if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nGot the Message Store
> table!!!!!\n\n");

> hr = NULL;
> hr = pTable->QueryRows(1, 0, &pSRowSet);
> if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nGot the first row of the message
> store table!!!\n\n");

> hr = NULL;
> hr = pSession->OpenMsgStore(0,

> pSRowSet[0].aRow[0].lpProps[0].Value.bin.cb,

> (ENTRYID*)pSRowSet[0].aRow[0].lpProps[0].Value.bin.lpb,



> &pMsgStore);
> if(hr == S_OK) printf("Message store is
> open!\n");

> hr = NULL;

> //The next function returns
> propTags
> struct defined at the top of this code). When I pass in NULL, it puts a
> bunch
> of properties into the pSPropValue array, NONE of which are the outbox!

> hr = pMsgStore->GetProps(&propTags/*NULL*/,
> 0, &propCount, &pSPropValue);

> if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nGot the Entry ID
> for the outbox folder!!!%d %d\n", propCount, pSPropValue->Value.bin.cb);
> printf("\nMAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED\n);

> //As mentioned, pMsgStore->GetProps won't
> give me the outbox property. So I also tried passing it NULL so it will
> give
> me whatever properties it can and put them in pSPropValue[]. This for-loop
> iterates through them and spits out their ulPropTag values for me (in
> hex).
> for(int i = 0; i > (int) propCount; i++)
> {
> printf("%X
> %d",pSPropValue.ulPropTag,i);

> //This checks the ulPropTag
> to see if it's the PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK property. If so, it shows me that
> mask.
> if(((LONG)
> pSPropValue.ulPropTag) == ((LONG) 903806979)) printf("
> %X",pSPropValue.Value.l);

> }

> hr = NULL;

> //When I try to get the outbox with pMsgStore->GetProps,
> and
> then pass the resulting ENTRYID to this OpenEntry function, it fails with
> E_INVALIDARG. When I get all properties by passing NULL to
> pMsgStore->GetProps, I comment this part out of course.

> hr =
> pMsgStore->OpenEntry((ULONG)pSPropValue[0]Value.bin.cb,

> (LPENTRYID)pSPropValue[0]Value.bin.lpb,


> 0,

> &objType,

> (LPUNKNOWN*)&objIf);
> if(hr == S_OK) printf("\n\nOutbox is open for
> business!!!\n\n");
> if(hr == MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS) printf("\nMAPI_E_NO_ACCESS\n");

> //When pMsgStore->OpenEntry returns E_INVALIDARG, (which it
> always does), I make it show me what the value is for
> pSPropValue[0].Value.bin.cb, and it's always some crazy garbage value.
> Which
> I suppose explains the E_INVALIDARG error. :)

> if(hr == E_INVALIDARG) printf("\nE_INVALIDARG
> %d\n",pSPropValue[0].Value.bin.cb);

> if(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) printf("\nE_OUTOFMEMORY\n");
> if(hr == E_UNEXPECTED) printf("\nE_UNEXPECTED\n");
> if(hr == E_FAIL) printf("\nE_FAIL\n");

> (*pfnMAPIUninitialize)();

> FreeLibrary(hMod);
> return 0;
> }

> So... When I try to get the outbox prop with

> hr = pMsgStore->GetProps(&propTags, 0, &propCount, &pSPropValue);

> it completes with MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED. As far as I can tell, the MSDN
> tells me to treat this as a success. Fine. So I just go with it, and my
> subsequent call to

> hr = pMsgStore->OpenEntry((ULONG)pSPropValue[0]Value.bin.cb,

> (LPENTRYID)pSPropValue[0]Value.bin.lpb,


> 0,

> &objType,

> (LPUNKNOWN*)&objIf);

> fails with E_INVALIDARG. So I added this

> if(hr == E_INVALIDARG) printf("\nE_INVALIDARG
> %d\n",pSPropValue[0].Value.bin.cb);

> show just what is being passed in for pSPropValue[0].Value.bin.cb,
> (which is supposed to be the count of bytes of
> pSPropValue[0]Value.bin.lpb,
> the property's ENTRY_ID), and it turns out that it's some wacky number
> "-2147221233". That explains the E_INVALIDARG error I suppose.

> So the next thing I tried was to call pMsgStore->GetProps, this time
> passing
> in NULL instead of propTags to see what all properties it actually puts
> into
> pSPropValue[]

> hr = pMsgStore->GetProps(NULL, 0, &propCount, &pSPropValue);

> and then I iterate through everything that was put into pSPropValue[] to
> see
> what they are

> for(int i = 0; i > (int) propCount; i++)
> {
> printf("%X %d",pSPropValue.ulPropTag,i);
> if(((LONG) pSPropValue.ulPropTag) == ((LONG) 903806979))
> printf(" %X",pSPropValue.Value.l);
> }

> also in the above for-loop is a line that will check for the
> PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK property, and print that mask in hex. Here's what it
> spits out:

> E340102 0
> E380003 1
> FF90102 2
> 3001001E 3
> 34160102 4
> 7C040102 5
> 7C06101E 6
> 7C070102 7
> 7C0C0003 8
> 7C0D0014 9
> 7C11000B 10
> 7C130003 11
> FF70003 12
> FFA0102 13
> FFB0102 14
> FFE0003 15
> FFF0102 16
> 300B0102 17
> 340D0003 18
> 340E0003 19
> 340F0003 20
> 34140102 21
> 35DF0003 22 FF
> 35E00102 23
> 66200102 24
> 66210102 25
> 66240102 26
> 66300102 27
> 66310102 28
> 6632000B 29
> 65E40003 30

> For the PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID property, the high order 16 bits is supposed
> to be 35E2. As you can see, it's not in the above list. :( The only
> 'special'
> properties in the list that I can recognize are:


> No outbox. Not to mention the fact that there's no inbox, drafts, etc...
> And
> here's the kicker: You'll notice that the PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK was found
> and
> it's mask was displayed as FF

> 35DF0003 22 FF

> The FF mask means that all folders exist and are valid! As defined in
> mapidefs.h:

> excerpt from mapidefs.h:
> /* Flag bits for PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK */

> 0x00000001)
> ((ULONG) 0x00000002)
> ((ULONG) 0x00000004)
> 0x00000008)
> ((ULONG) 0x00000010)
> ((ULONG) 0x00000020)
> ((ULONG) 0x00000040)
> ((ULONG) 0x00000080)

> but when I try to IMsgStore::GetProps for the outbox, it fails. And when I
> look at the entire list of properties, the outbox isn't there! I've tried
> this with Outlook (2007) open and closed. From within Outlook, I've tried
> setting the permissions on my Mailbox as well as Outbox to "Owner" for
> both
> Default and Anonymous. I only have one profile on this system, the default
> profile; (it uses Exchange if that means anything).

> Sorry for the looooong post. I'm at the end of my rope here!

> Thanks
> -Daniel

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