Can't send email to myself

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Email Account
I have used pocomail for years and can send a test email from one of my four accounts to the other/s. I just installed Outlook and have it setup same as my Poco setup. I can send and receive emails to/from others but If I try to send to myself it immediately shows up in InBox and says "The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:" "Invalid recipient". Also if I use the "Test Account Settings" button in the Email Account Settings it works fine. Would appreciate any assistance. Thanks
I tried your suggestion and found that If I type the address in it works. I never type them in , I always select them from my contacts list. If I select from Contacts it doesn't work but when typed they do work. I don't know if it means anything but if I select from Contacts the entry is underlined in the TO: box unlike when typed in manually.
I cleared and typed the email address in the contact and it works now. Any idea why it happened? Thanks
Problem solved. Contacts were imported. I checked each one and found that the ones that didn't work had an extra space after the last character in the Email Address entry. I reentered them and it fixed the problem. Thanks All.
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