I noticed that very frequently tasks that clutter up my to-do list are actually dependent on the prior completion of some other task.
Is there an option, a tool, a macro-set, an add-on or whatever, that would allow to connect tasks such, that "dependent" tasks are switched "invisible" while some other task on which's prior completion they depend on, isn't done, yet. Only once that "pre-condition"-task is marked done, they should re-appear in the to-do list.
Hope, I could make myself clear...
Is there an option, a tool, a macro-set, an add-on or whatever, that would allow to connect tasks such, that "dependent" tasks are switched "invisible" while some other task on which's prior completion they depend on, isn't done, yet. Only once that "pre-condition"-task is marked done, they should re-appear in the to-do list.
Hope, I could make myself clear...