ScanPST finished, but no repaired folders appeared?

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Hello Diane, great article on how to use ScanPST! It definately got me out of the woods last night, but I feel like I'm still stuck in no-mans-land...Outlook is now running again, and I appear to have all my data (sans iCloud calendar sync), but I'm still getting "broken letter" icons when I create a new .pst file in the target location (my Desktop or /Appdata/Local/Microsoft/Outlook/...)??

First of all, I'm running Vista 64 and Outlook 2007.

At the beginning, Outlook wouldn't open at all, so I was able to locate Scanpst. When I ran Scanpst, I couldn't get the "browse" button to locate/find my Outlook.pst main file in the folder heirarchy - something to do with Windows permissions or something, I don't know, it was as if they were hidden files or something - but I was able to use the Search File function in Windows Explorer and find the folder and file (complete with "broken letter" icon). I then moved the file to the Desktop so I could point to it with "browse" in Scanpst...this seemed to work fine, as I went through all the prompts and then hit "repair" when prompted.

Now here's where my memory starts fading...when I tried to start Outlook afterwards, it didn't want to open, but somehow I got it to work after a few prompts from iCloud(?) Does this seem right? Also: there are no "repaired folders" or "Lost and Found" folders anywhere???

When I use Data File Managment now, the Outlook.bak file on the desktop has been identified as default??

When I tried to create a new .pst file (since one didn't exist yet in the /Appdata folder), it created a "broken letter" icon file??

And when I tried to export a .pst file (with the current data I have open now), it did the same thing (on the desktop)? Incidentally, the original broken .pst file was/is 2.87GB, and the newly exported .pst is 1.87GB. Why would Outlook export a broken file?

The result: I'm scared to close Outlook at all! Any help would be most appreciated...

Do the pst files work? It's possible the default icon was changed. If it works, the icon doesn't matter.

Moving the file out of %localappdata%\Microsoft\outlook is the root of this problem. I'm guessing when Outlook restarted it couldn't find the pst and you pointed it to the one on the desktop.

The bak file is a backup - the file you repaired is the other one of the desktop and should have any recovered files in it.
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