Add multiple individuals as meeting organizer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ram S
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Ram S

In this context, is there a way to add multiple individuals as meeting organizer, so one or the other would be able to make changes to the invite?

Tonya98 wrote:

How do I change a meeting organizer??


I had an employee recently resign and she has meetings scheduled for a year

in advance with our Medical Staff. We need to be able to send out reminders

to the invited attendees without going in as her. Can I change the meeting

organizer? If so how do I do it?

EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice

The .NET Framework FINAL: An Analysis

"Ram S" wrote in message
> In this context, is there a way to add multiple individuals as meeting
> organizer, so one or the other would be able to make changes to the
> invite?

> Tonya98 wrote:

> How do I change a meeting organizer??
> 05-Mar-08

> I had an employee recently resign and she has meetings scheduled for a
> year
> in advance with our Medical Staff. We need to be able to send out
> reminders
> to the invited attendees without going in as her. Can I change the
> meeting
> organizer? If so how do I do it?

> EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
> The .NET Framework FINAL: An Analysis
outlook calendaring

Our domain name & thus our email addresses recently changed, and now I can no longer manage, cancel, or delete a recurring appointment that I created. is now an Attendee, and is now the Organizer. Although we have our email routing setup such that I still receive emails to the old domain email address, apparently in Exchange I am now and I am NOT What can I do? I didn't even enter an end date for the recurring appointment, I thought I would be able to just cancel or change it if needed. I am in the IT dept., so could perform or ask for Exchange Admin functions, if needed, but I don't know what to do, and haven't seen anything anywhere that addresses this.



Diane Poremsky [MVP] wrote:

No.--Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.



Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Wednesday, March 05, 2008 12:56 PM

Tonya98 wrote:

How do I change a meeting organizer??

I had an employee recently resign and she has meetings scheduled for a year

in advance with our Medical Staff. We need to be able to send out reminders

to the invited attendees without going in as her. Can I change the meeting

organizer? If so how do I do it?

On Wednesday, March 05, 2008 4:29 PM

Brian Tillman wrote:

Re: How do I change a meeting organizer??

I believe that the organizer field is immutable. Delete the original and

have the new organizer create another.

On Wednesday, March 05, 2008 4:32 PM

Judy Gleeson \(\) wrote:

No. You can delete the meetings and re-invite people or "go in as her".

No. You can delete the meetings and re-invite people or "go in as her".

Probably neater to delete, explain why, resend fom you.


Judy Gleeson

Trainer and Consultant

> .

"Tonya980" <Tonya980> wrote in message

On Sunday, October 11, 2009 3:28 PM

Ram S wrote:

Add multiple individuals as meeting organizer

In this context, is there a way to add multiple individuals as meeting organizer, so one or the other would be able to make changes to the invite?

Tonya98 wrote:

How do I change a meeting organizer??


I had an employee recently resign and she has meetings scheduled for a year

in advance with our Medical Staff. We need to be able to send out reminders

to the invited attendees without going in as her. Can I change the meeting

organizer? If so how do I do it?

EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice

The .NET Framework FINAL: An Analysis

On Wednesday, October 14, 2009 10:02 PM

Diane Poremsky [MVP] wrote:

No.--Outlook Tips: http://www.outlook-tips.


Re: outlook calendaring

You should be able to delete it from your calendar - but you can't cancel it

and have it removed from other's calendars.

"Dan Peterson" wrote in message
> Our domain name & thus our email addresses recently changed, and now I can
> no longer manage, cancel, or delete a recurring appointment that I
> created. is now an Attendee, and
> is now the Organizer. Although we have our email
> routing setup such that I still receive emails to the old domain email
> address, apparently in Exchange I am now and I am
> NOT What can I do? I didn't even enter an end
> date for the recurring appointment, I thought I would be able to just
> cancel or change it if needed. I am in the IT dept., so could perform or
> ask for Exchange Admin functions, if needed, but I don't know what to do,
> and haven't seen anything anywhere that addresses this.
> thanks,
> Dan
Re: outlook calendaring

I've seen this before...

You'll have to manually change the organizer.

Export Ical file, open in Notepad or Notepad++.

Find a line that has ORGANIZER in it, copy the whole thing, open find\replace. Paste into Find, then to replace; now in Replace box, you can fill in appropriate values for the new email address (Delete any AD type casts) and it will check against your address book later.

Delete events from your calendar, then upload the ICAL and let it work it's magic. Make sure the recipients can still get mail from their old addresses. If you do this in APPLE ICAL, it sends all the requests for you, right away.

Cool part? Do this process for each user and they will send you the same event, but with a different Organizer... ...Which *Should* update you.

However, to be thorough, search for the other senders and delete the meetings from your box, then apply that to theirs as well. Use a VBA to go through the remaining and do a .send based on the selection after you've removed all but the user's own events from each box. Make sure the RESOURCE process handler is on, and let it auto process for you. Delete the responses, turn off the auto-responder, and go on about your business.
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