isn't there an OL add-on that flags addressee before sending

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Len Raphael

Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
sometimes when dashing out an email I forget to read entire address and it goes to the person. e.g. instead of

don't recall which add-on would let one flag specific addressess and pop up a warning asking if you really wanted to send that person. If my memory serves me, I stopped using that add-on because it did too many other things that slowed OL down.

Len Raphael
Oakland CA
I don't recall that addin... but any addin would be slow if it needs to check every address you send to. I have a macro that can watch for messages sent to domains or addresses - but its really best for checking for internal/external addresses.
You can use a macro to check the 'to' for certain words - the problem is for examples like you posted where the addresses are similar. Unless you want to confirm every message you send.

You can easily check from things like:
warn if also sending to outside addresses when emailing coworkers
warn if sending to multiple domains
warn if sending to gmail, yahoo,, yahoo etc.

It's difficult to look for mistakes like bills@ instead of billm@ - unless you display the warning for every message you send.

Warn Before Sending Messages to the Wrong Email Address (
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