How to do a scanpst in thin clients???

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Email Account
Exchange Server
HI Guys,

Does anyone have an idea as to how to repair a PST file using scanpst in a thin client? Since the thin client doesnt have a local storage, the scanpst couldnt be located in office12 file. And I am not able to install it on the client as it says some .dll file missing. I tried to fix it from servers end but wasnt successful. Its a 2007 R2 environment and exchange 2007 setup. Thin clients use citrix xenapp to connect to network.

Many Thanks,

I'm surprised you are using pst files in a thin client - most sites use exchange online and block pst files. ASAIK, you can't use them on a thin client - it would need to be installed on the terminal server, but many apps won't work as expected in TS environments.

Do you have a local machine you can use for repairs? Copy the pst locally, scan it then copy it back, replacing the old one.
Hey that could be done!!!!

Its an old setup and will be migrated in sometime. However, the PSTs are stored in a home folder of every individual user on a network drive, creating a profile for everyone and there is no .OST for users. And you are right that many apps that wont work as expected. I am thinking of running a scanpst on the server itself and mapping the users PST file through his home directory. What say?? If this fails, I will try your way!!!

Many thanks,

I'd certainly try it from the server first- it will either work or not work and shouldn't take much time to find out. :)
It worked!! I couldnt scan for the first time since the user had an active session running. I logged him off, scanned the PST from server and mapped it again.

Its up and running. Thanks :)
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