Extract text in existing message body for use in newmail items

  • Thread starter Thread starter mrsadmin
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Hi there,

I'm expanding on one of my projects and I'm having issues with 1 section of the code.


Original received mail, I forward as a new obj to my help desk, and the file updates correctly in the helpdesk system.

The problems are this: The mail I'm using has already been forwarded on to me by my distributor (they refuse to send to our support account) and so I lose the very original subject line and the original sender. Luckily the subject line has been saved as part of the text in the email as has the sender. The unlucky part is that it's between "" so my search function has issues.

Please advise.

Existing code:
Sub Fwdfsp()
   'source:    http://bit.ly/N7ENSk (spiceworks) forward email to helpdesk as new ticket
   'source:    http://bit.ly/1bJRdeQ (microsoft) (on behalf of)
Dim stsaddress As String 
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem 
Dim strbody As String 
Dim oldmsg As String 
Dim senderaddress As String 
Dim addresstype As Integer 
' Set this variable as your helpdesk e-mail address 
stsaddress = "my@email" 
Set objitem = GetCurrentItem() 
Set objMail = objitem.Forward 
'Sender email address this is fine for Sup#1, but not for Sup#2
   For Each Recipient In objitem.Recipients
       senderaddress = Recipient.Address 
'Get my address for reference in the new email body 
myaddress = objitem.CC 
'Searches for @ in the email address to determine if it is an exchange user 
addresstype = InStr(senderaddress, "@") 
' If the address is an Exchange DN use the Senders Name 
If addresstype = 0 Then 
senderaddress = objitem.Recipients 
End If 
'adds the senders e-mail address as the created by object for the ticket and appends the message body 
strbody = objitem.HTMLBody 
objMail.To = stsaddress 
objMail.Subject = objitem.Subject 
objMail.HTMLBody = strbody & "<br /><br /><font color='#000080' face='Calibri' size='1'>Received by:  " & myaddress & vbNewLine & vbNewLine 
objMail.SentOnBehalfOfName = senderaddress 
'remove the comment from below to display the message before sending 
'Automatically Send the ticket 
Set objitem = Nothing 
Set objMail = Nothing 
End Sub

Sup#1: I actually want objMail.Subject = objitem.Subject to be objMail.Subject = objitem.Body search string "original subject line in body of email"


Sup#2: I need to get the email address from the text here: Email: address


I currently have 2 instances of the code, 1 for each of the Distributors as they have different details, as you can see above. The code works well, it's just trying to extract this information.

Thank you :)
Thank you, I had a look at that, but I keep running in to the issue that my original Subject is in the email with "original subject" and whenever I use the "" in my queries I keep getting errors.

I also found this a few minutes ago

Dim start_str As IntegerDim end_str As Integer 
Dim mymail As String 
start_str = InStr(objitem.Body, " ") + 1 
end_str = InStr(objitem.Body, " ") - start_str 
newsubj = Mid(objitem.Body, start_str, end_str)

Again it has the issue the my subject is always encased in "" as seen in the image: Sup#1 Attachment 906 above.
You could try using chr(34) for the quotes but unless 'original subject' is used throughout the message, i'd look for those works then take the text following it, ending in /n. Even if its used multiple, as long as the one you need is always the first one, it will work.
Thanks Admin.

Alas the subject always changes, what we are getting is a copy of the support ticket confirmation that the customer gets from our distributor. So the 'original subject' is always variable, however the " " quote marks are always the same.

Dear Customer,

Our staff has just replied to your ticket "Variable Subject here"
Oh. I misunderstood. I thought that was the lead.

Is this always the same: Our staff has just replied to your ticket ?
I feel like i'm the trial & error Queen tonight :) It's taken hours, but I got there in the end. It is not pretty, but I did it.

If you can see a better way then please let me know (I tried Diane's string but it wouldn't move past the ").
.Pattern = "(your ticket (\s*\W*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*))"

Sub Fwdfsp()
   'source:    http://bit.ly/N7ENSk (spiceworks) forward email to helpdesk as new ticket
   'source:    http://bit.ly/1bJRdeQ (microsoft) (on behalf of)
   'source:    http://bit.ly/1gfAHAj (techniclee) strip Fwd
   'source:    http://stackoverflow.com/a/20337850/2337102 (find email)
   'source:    http://bit.ly/1cpghpi    (outlook forums setting the regular expression)
   'source:    http://bit.ly/1eQsX56   (slipstick using RegEx)
   'source:    http://bit.ly/1jQrtzY       (regex cheat sheet codes)
   'source:    http://bit.ly/1cZ9AXW   (mrexcel) (remove first character in string)
Dim stsaddress As String 
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem 
Dim strbody As String 
Dim oldmsg As String 
Dim senderaddress As String 
Dim custmail As String 
Dim addresstype As Integer 
Dim origsubject As String 
Dim newsubject As String 
'reg search 
Dim Reg1 As RegExp 
Dim M1 As MatchCollection 
Dim M As Match 
Dim strSubject As String 
Dim testSubject As String 
'gets the original email & creates a new one 
Set objitem = GetCurrentItem() 
Set objMail = objitem.Forward 
'-----     -----     -----     Search & apply from objitem     -----     -----     --- 
'Sender E=mail Address needed for exchange option 
For Each Recipient In objitem.Recipients
       custmail = Recipient.Address
       'add  & ";" & strRecip  if more 
'Searches for @ in the email address to determine if it is an exchange user 
addresstype = InStr(custmail, "@") 
'If the address is an Exchange DN use the Senders Name 
If addresstype = 0 Then 
custmail = objitem.Recipients 
End If 
'-----     -----     -----     Getting subject from original item using RegEx     -----     -----     --- 
    ' \s* = invisible spaces
   ' \d* = match digits
   ' \w* = match alphanumeric
Set Reg1 = New RegExp
   With Reg1
         .Pattern = "(your ticket (\s*\W*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*))"
   '    .Pattern = "your ticket\s*(\w*)\s*"
       .Global = False
   End With
   If Reg1.Test(objitem.Body) Then
       Set M1 = Reg1.Execute(objitem.Body)
           For Each M In M1
               'Debug.Print M.SubMatches(1)
               origsubject = M.SubMatches(1)
               'newsubject = M.SubMatches(1)
               'strSubject = Replace(strSubject, Chr(13), "")
               'testSubject = testSubject & "; " & Trim(strSubject)
           'Debug.Print i & origsubject
   End If 
'remove the " at the start of the subject line from origsubject 
newsubject = mid(origsubject, 2) 
'-----     -----     -----     Setting Variables     -----     -----     --- 
'Set variable email addresses 
helpdesk = "support@mail"      'support system 
admin = "admin@mail"            'future correspondence 
'-----     -----     -----     Getting data from original item     -----     -----     --- 
irisreceived = objitem.CC                                    'address which received original email 
distemail = objitem.SenderEmailAddress                 'distributors originating email 
custmail = objitem.To                                        'customers address from originating email "to" 
'-----     -----     -----     Creating the new email as a modified forward item     -----     -----     --- 
'gets the original body to insert in to the new email 
strbody = objitem.HTMLBody 
intro = "TaDa" 
'setting the email up 
objMail.To = helpdesk 
objMail.Subject = newsubject 
objMail.HTMLBody = intro & strbody 
objMail.SentOnBehalfOfName = custmail 
' remove the comment from below to display the message before sending 
'Automatically Send the ticket 
Set objitem = Nothing 
Set objMail = Nothing 
End Sub
Should be able to condense it down to one of these (but i didn't test it)-

> Pattern = "(your ticket\s*([\w-\s]*))\n"

> Pattern = "(your ticket\s*(.*))\s*\n"

The second one covers it if there are non-alphanumeric characters, the \w-\s get alphanumeric and white space.
Woot! Got it to work :) Thank you both very much!

From this: "Re Your Product" to: Your Product

I had to remove the " " and then the ' Re ' (the Re caused a whole lot of grief, but I came up with the solution below, from alternative sources).

It's possibly not the neatest code ever written, but so far it does work. :)


Your pattern will that work on all email addresses?

It works on a current one: names @domain. tld.country (no spaces) (false @ false. com.au)

Will it work on things like the gmail accepted addresses: name.name+random @gm .com (mrs.admin+outlookforums @gm .com)

or on sub.domains?

From my testing it will do, but I haven't tested all possible combos.

What an awesome little snippet of code! :)

'source info removed for brevity 
Set Reg1 = New RegExp
   With Reg1
         .Pattern = "(your ticket\s*(.*))\s*\n"
         'was:  .Pattern = "(your ticket (\s*\W*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*\s*\w*))"
       .Global = False
   End With
   If Reg1.Test(objitem.Body) Then
       Set M1 = Reg1.Execute(objitem.Body)
           For Each M In M1
               origsubject = M.SubMatches(1)
   End If
   'origsubject = original found in email
   'basesubject = original less the "" (Quotes)
   'edsub = basesubject, ready to edit in the case of Fwd, Re, etc
   'newsubject = edsub (e) with all the Fwd, Re etc removed as well as any leading remaining whitespaces
   'edsub resulted in the following ' Re Your Product' ( with no ') 
basesubject = mid(origsubject, 2, Len(origsubject) - 3) 
edsub = basesubject 
Dim e As String 
e = edsub 
e = Replace(e, "RE:", "") 
e = Replace(e, "Re", "") 
e = Replace(e, "Fw ", "") 
e = Replace(e, "Fwd: ", "") 
newsubject = LTrim(e) 
   'I had tried using another code based on the following however it didn't account for any mid-sentence [I]Fwd/Re[/I] or when ( [I]Fwd: Re:[/I] ) etc:
   'subject has Fwd / Re in it
   'If (Left(objMail.Subject, 4) = "FW: ") Or (Left(objMail.Subject, 4) = "RE:") Then 
'        objMail.Subject = mid(objMail.Subject, 5) 
'        objMail.Save 
'    Else 
'        If Left(objMail.Subject, 5) = "Fwd: " Then 
'            objMail.Subject = mid(objMail.Subject, 6) 
'            objMail.Save 
'    Else 
'        If Left(objMail.Subject, 3) = "Re " Then 
'           objMail.Subject = mid(objMail.Subject, 4) 
'           objMail.Save 
'        End If 
'End If 
'End If
Hi all,

Well, the project is completed, so far :) Since learning about constants I think I want to implement a few in the code. Things like the support email, the distributor email, things like that which won't change.

Here is the "Reply to Distributor (acknowledging I received & forwarded the email)"; "Send to Support System" and "Original from Distributor" emails.

It looks messy, the code doesn't look much better.

I've got 6 versions of the code.

1 Fwd & 1 reply per Distributor account (Only 2 from 4 I deal with)

1 Fwd & 1 reply for customers who email admin instead of Support.

I have kept the versions in 1 module per pair (Fwd & Reply in 1), and I call it through another Macro (very basic "Sub name(), Call name End Sub" (a couple of "IF" statements in there), this way if the distributors ever change the way they send their emails I can just head to that module and fix the 2 that are relevant. I would like to clean it & streamline, but for now this is a huge achievement for me

SO, this is it :) Distributor #2:



Sub stsNew()Dim distemail As String 
Set objitem = GetCurrentItem() 
distemail = objitem.SenderEmailAddress                 'distributors originating email
   If distemail = "info@ wer" Then
      Call stsFSS
   Exit Sub
   If distemail = "sales@ xyz" Then
      Call stsFSP
   Exit Sub
  Call stsISS
End If 
End If 
End Sub

The whole code is in part 2 due to character restrictions :)
'source: http://bit.ly/N7ENSk (spiceworks) forward email to helpdesk as new ticket
'source: http://bit.ly/1bJRdeQ (microsoft) (on behalf of)
'source: http://bit.ly/1gfAHAj (techniclee) strip Fwd
'source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/20337850/2337102 (find email)
'source: http://bit.ly/1cpghpi (outlook forums setting the regular expression)
'source: http://bit.ly/1eQsX56 (slipstick using RegEx)
'source: http://bit.ly/1jQrtzY (regex cheat sheet codes)
'source: http://bit.ly/1cZ9AXW (mrexcel) (remove first character in string)
'source: http://bit.ly/1jUx4VO (mrexcel) (remove last character in string)
'source: http://bit.ly/1hdbabz (outlook forums RegEx short .pattern)
'source: http://bit.ly/1jPWSiO (mrexcel) (replace values)

I don't know how to stop having to repeat the "Function GetCurrentItem() As Object", I have to add it in every module, it won't work if I put it in my "FunctCommon" module with the others I use.

[FONT=Verdana]Function GetCurrentItem() As Object[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]Dim objApp As Outlook.Application[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]Set objApp = Application[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]On Error Resume Next[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]Select Case TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow)[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]Case "Explorer"[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]Set GetCurrentItem = _[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]Case "Inspector"[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]Set GetCurrentItem = _[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]Case Else[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]End Select[/FONT] 
[FONT=Verdana]End Function[/FONT]
And this is the magic (messy, I know):

Part 1/2 (char limit)

Sub Fwdxyz()
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem 
Dim custmail As String 
Dim abcsts As String 
Dim abcadmin As String 
Dim abcreceived As String 
Dim distemail As String 
Dim strbody As String 
Dim addresstype As Integer 
'reg search 
Dim Reg1 As RegExp 
Dim M1 As MatchCollection 
Dim M As Match 
Dim strSubject As String 
Dim testSubject As String 
Dim origsubject As String 
Dim newsubject As String 
'gets the original email & creates a new one 
Set objitem = GetCurrentItem() 
Set objMail = objitem.Forward 
'-----     Search & apply from objitem     --- 
'Sender email Address needed for exchange option 
For Each Recipient In objitem.Recipients
       custmail = Recipient.Address
       'add  & ";" & strRecip  if more 
'Searches for @ in the email address to determine if it is an exchange user 
addresstype = InStr(custmail, "@") 
'If the address is an Exchange DN use the Senders Name 
If addresstype = 0 Then 
custmail = objitem.Recipients 
End If 
'-----     Getting subject from original item using RegEx     --- 
 Set Reg1 = New RegExp
   With Reg1
         .Pattern = "(your ticket\s*(.*))\s*\n"
       .Global = False
   End With
   If Reg1.Test(objitem.Body) Then
       Set M1 = Reg1.Execute(objitem.Body)
           For Each M In M1
                   'Debug.Print M.SubMatches(1)
               origsubject = M.SubMatches(1)
                   'Debug.Print i & origsubject
   End If 
'origsubject = original found in email 
'basesubject = original less the "" 
'edsub = basesubject, ready to edit in the case of Fwd, Re, etc 
'newsubject = edsub (e) with all the Fwd, Re etc removed as well as any leading remaining " " whitespace 
basesubject = mid(origsubject, 2, Len(origsubject) - 3) 
edsub = basesubject 
Dim e As String 
e = edsub 
e = Replace(e, "RE:", "") 
e = Replace(e, "Re", "") 
e = Replace(e, "Fw ", "") 
e = Replace(e, "Fwd: ", "") 
newsubject = LTrim(e) 
'-----     Getting customer name from original item using RegEx     --- 
Set Reg1 = New RegExp
   With Reg1
         .Pattern = "(Dear\s*(.*))\s*\n"
       .Global = False
   End With
   If Reg1.Test(objitem.Body) Then
       Set M1 = Reg1.Execute(objitem.Body)
           For Each M In M1
                   Debug.Print M.SubMatches(1)
               origname = M.SubMatches(1)
                   'Debug.Print i & origsubject
   End If 
custname = mid(origname, 1, Len(origname) - 2) 
'-----     Setting Variables     --- 
'Set variable email addresses 
abcsts = "support@ abc"            'support system 
abcadmin = "admin@ abc"         'future correspondence 
'-----     Getting data from original item     --- 
abcreceived = objitem.CC                 'address which received original email 
dist = "xyz"                               'Distributor short code 
distemail = objitem.SenderEmailAddress     'distributors originating email 
custmail = objitem.To                    'customers address from originating email "to" 
origemaildate = objitem.ReceivedTime 
'-----     Creating the new email as a modified forward item     --- 
'gets the original body to insert in to the new email 
strbody = objitem.HTMLBody 
'setting the email up 
objMail.To = abcsts 
objMail.Subject = newsubject & "  [" & dist & "]" 
objMail.HTMLBody = "<font color='#000080' face='Calibri' size='2'>-----     -----<br>" & _
                                           "The below ticket has been received and forwarded on to our Support Ticketing System " & _
                                          "(<a href=''www.abc .com' target='_blank'>sts</a>)." & _
                                          "<br>Sent from:               " & distemail & _
                                          "<br>Customer name:       " & custname & _
                                          "<br>Customer email:       " & custmail & _
                                          "<br>Received by:            " & abcreceived & _
                                          "<br>Forwarded to:      " & abcsts & _
                                          "<br>Forwarded by:            " & abcadmin & _
                                          "<br>Original email date:        " & origemaildate & _
                                          "<br>vvvvvvvv <br>-----     -----<br><br> " & _
                                          "Original message begins:<br>" & _
                                          "-----     -----<br><br> </font>" & strbody 
objMail.SentOnBehalfOfName = custmail 
objMail.Categories = "CS: D: xyz"
objMail.Display                'remove the comment to display message before sending 
'objMail.Send                'Automatically Send ticket 
Set objitem = Nothing 
Set objMail = Nothing 
End Sub
Cool. Thanks.

GetCurrentItem should error if its in multiple modules - that has always been my experience. It's not labeled private, so it should be seen from any module.

BTW, I'm moving the forum to new software (xenforo, Saturday night if it snows***) and will lift the message size restrictions for all but new members. This forum has just one setting - and yes, i could lift it for all, but I'm too lazy to change the setting. :)

***It's snowed every weekend since Jan 1, so what are the chances? :) If it doesn't snow, we need to visit family out of state.
Part 2/2 This is the reply to the distributor.

I had tried to reduce the Regex down to the CASE example as per Diane's REGEX page (here), however I couldn't figure out how to set the 2 different pieces of detail (subject & name), it would just revert to the Subject.

Sub Replytoxyz() 
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem 
Dim custmail As String 
Dim abcsts As String 
Dim abcadmin As String 
Dim abcreceived As String 
Dim distemail As String 
Dim strbody As String 
Dim addresstype As Integer 
'Set objitem = GetCurrentItem() 
Set objitem = ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1) 
If TypeName(ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1)) = "MailItem" Then
Set oMail = ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1)
End If 
' For a reply or reply all, replace forward  with Reply or ReplyAll 
Set objMail = objitem.Forward
On Error Resume Next 
'Sender email Address needed for exchange option 
For Each Recipient In objitem.Recipients
    senderaddress = Recipient.Address
    'add  & ";" & strRecip  if more 
Next Recipient 
'-----     Getting subject from original item using RegEx     --- 
Set Reg1 = New RegExp
   With Reg1
         .Pattern = "(your ticket\s*(.*))\s*\n"
       .Global = False
   End With
   If Reg1.Test(objitem.Body) Then
       Set M1 = Reg1.Execute(objitem.Body)
           For Each M In M1
                   'Debug.Print M.SubMatches(1)
               origsubject = M.SubMatches(1)
                   'Debug.Print i & origsubject
   End If 
'origsubject = original found in email 
'basesubject = original less the "" 
basesubject = mid(origsubject, 2, Len(origsubject) - 3) 
newsubject = basesubject 
'-----     Getting customer name from original item using RegEx     --- 
Set Reg1 = New RegExp
   With Reg1
         .Pattern = "(Dear\s*(.*))\s*\n"
       .Global = False
   End With
   If Reg1.Test(objitem.Body) Then
       Set M1 = Reg1.Execute(objitem.Body)
           For Each M In M1
                   Debug.Print M.SubMatches(1)
               origname = M.SubMatches(1)
                   'Debug.Print i & origsubject
   End If 
custname = mid(origname, 1, Len(origname) - 2)
'-----     Setting Variables     --- 
'Set variable email addresses 
abcsts = "support@ abc"        'support system 
abcadmin = "admin@ abc"     'future correspondence 
'-----     Getting data from original item     --- 
abcreceived = objitem.CC                'address which received original email 
dist = "xyz"                                         'Distributor short code 
distemail = objitem.SenderEmailAddress  'distributors originating email 
custmail = objitem.To                           'customers address from originating email "to" 
origemaildate = objitem.ReceivedTime 
foremaildate = Format(Now) 
'set other items 
strbody = objitem.HTMLBody 
sig = ReadSignature("abc - all.htm") 
objMail.To = distemail 
objMail.Subject = "Re: " & objitem.Subject & "  (" & newsubject & ")" & "  [" & dist & "]" 
objMail.HTMLBody = "<font color='#000080' face='Calibri' size='2'>-----     -----<br>" & _
                                           "Hi Team, <br><br>" & _
                                           "The below ticket has been received and forwarded on to our Support Ticketing System " & _
                                           "(<a href='www.abc .com' target='_blank'>sts</a>).<br>" & _
                                           "The customer should expect contact within the next 48-72 hours, longer if sent over a weekend or public holiday.<br>" & _
                                           "If you would like the reference number for their support ticket for your records please let me know.<br><br>" & _
                                           "<br>Sent from:     " & distemail & _
                                           "<br>Customer name:       " & custname & _
                                           "<br>For Customer:      " & custmail & _
                                           "<br>Received by:        " & abcreceived & _
                                           "<br>Forwarded to:     " & abcsts & _
                                           "<br>Forwarded by:      " & abcadmin & _
                                           "<br>Original email date:        " & origemaildate & _
                                           "<br>Forward email date:       " & foremaildate & _
                                           "<br><br>Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions.<br><br>Thank you<br><br>" & _
                                           sig & "-----     -----<br></font>" & strbody 
objMail.SentOnBehalfOfName = abcadmin 
objMail.Categories = "CS: D: xyz" 
objMail.Display                'remove the comment to display message before sending 
'objMail.Send                'Automatically Send ticket 
Set objitem = Nothing 
Set objMail = Nothing 
End Sub

And I'm done ... sorry for the 3 posts but the code is huge and had to be split up :)

I really should learn more so I can reduce it more ;D
Cool. Thanks.

GetCurrentItem should error if its in multiple modules - that has always been my experience. It's not labeled private, so it should be seen from any module.

BTW, I'm moving the forum to new software (xenforo, Saturday night if it snows***) and will lift the message size restrictions for all but new members.

***It's snowed every weekend since Jan 1, so what are the chances? :) If it doesn't snow, we need to visit family out of state.

We've had huge extremes here, up to 42oC days, as low as 13oC. Completely weird weather, and hubby's family are being flooded in the UK. Mother Nature has gone mad this year.

Considering the amount of duplicate code I have, what's another "Function", I found it odd it wouldn't pick up from my central function module, but, I don't know any better :)

I have 1 in there that is used for the Categories code that I use, and even though they are identical in code, when I delete the "CurrentItem" in my personal module I get the "Ambiguous Name" error. If I leave them both in, (common & personal) there aren't any errors.

I didn't see your reply before I posted Part 2 of the code.

I'm just thrilled that this project has worked, and it was from the help here that made it happen. I'm such a n00b :) hehe.
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M Folder names - rich text Using Outlook 6
E Replying to a plain text e-mail with HTML Using Outlook 2
H Finding text in open email Outlook VBA and Custom Forms 12
D Can't read some emails - text size too small. Using Outlook 2
AndyZ Contact Custom Form Tiny Text Outlook VBA and Custom Forms 3
D Delete selected text in outgoing email body Outlook VBA and Custom Forms 0
kburrows Outlook Email Body Text Disappears/Overlaps, Folders Switch Around when You Hover, Excel Opens Randomly and Runs in the Background - Profile Corrupt? Using Outlook 0
J PSA: How to create custom keyboard shortcut for "Paste Unformatted Text" in Outlook on Windows Outlook VBA and Custom Forms 1
Witzker Add a text line at the end of the note field in all selected Contacts Outlook VBA and Custom Forms 7

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