Finding text in open email


Outlook version
Outlook 365 32 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
Operating system::    WIndows
Outlook version:     365
Email type or host:    Microsoft 365

Hello All,

I have a daily task where I am pasting data into an email from Word. I need to "cut" the line above Sincerely and paste this into the TO field. Is this doable? Any suggestions would be most appreciated!
Hi, can you show an example of what you cut. (use fake info)
Does the info change?
Easiest is to create a template. If it's more complicated as in things change, then macro us the way to go
It would be
Hi, can you show an example of what you cut. (use fake info)
Thanks for your replies!! It would be the entire line preceding Sincerely. It would contain either a single or multiple email address(es). That would vary. The only static would be two lines down containing the salutation Sincerely. Does that make any sense?
If the line includes email address(es), then you can copy that address and paste into the TO field.
Each address in the TO field needs to be delimited using ; character.
If the line includes email address(es), then you can copy that address and paste into the TO field.
Each address in the TO field needs to be delimited using ; character.
Right, thats the goal, but I want to be able to find and copy this using a macro.
OK ... Diane Poremsky is your best resource for a macro.
OK ... Diane Poremsky is your best resource for a macro.
Thanks, I have one I've been working on, but I can't get constant results using the send keys to get to the location.
Perhaps you can post the one you are working on.
This is what I'm using... the information is in clipboard copied from Word.
Sub Paste2()
Dim outApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim olInsp As Object
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim str_jpeg_file As String

'Dim xlSheet As Worksheet
Dim wdDoc As Object
Dim oRng As Object
    'Set xlSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Unapproved")

    'On Error Resume Next
    Set outApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
    If Err <> 0 Then Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    On Error GoTo 0
    'Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
    Set myItem = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\Users\Statement Customer .msg")
    With myItem
        .BodyFormat = 2
        .To = ""
        '.To = TwentythirdItem
        .CC = ""
        .BCC = ""
        .Subject = "Customer Statement "

'SendKeys "{~}^({v})", True
SendKeys "{down)^({v})", True
End With
End Sub

I think you should use AutoIt.

Any further help you need, i think you need to add more description or example of the document, what it is you need help with.
You said Word, but showing an example of importing from Excel ... ????

I think you should use AutoIt.

Any further help you need, i think you need to add more description or example of the document, what it is you need help with.
You said Word, but showing an example of importing from Excel ... ????
I've not heard of AutoIt before, I will have to try that out... I thought I had removed the references to Excel. I used the code found from another thread to get the paste function.

I have copied a statement from word and trying to paste into an email template. Only thing I am having a problem with is some of our people have an extra line and it throws off where I am cutting once it paste into the template and I get the line above it. The only constant I can find is I need to "cut" two lines above sincerely. This is where the email address(es) will be located. Hope that makes sense.
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