Finding Distribution List Name

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Outlook 2013 64 bit
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Exchange Server

I am writing a piece of vba code on the outlook 2013 client to save attachments depending on which distribution list the incoming mail was sent. I just see the name of the client but not he name of the distribution list.

- incoming mail was sent distribution list "Sales1"
- clerk1 to clerk4 got this mail
- on clerk2 i have a rule who should decide if the sender sent the mail to Sales1 or Sales2

How to i find in vba the name of the correct recipient (distribution list) in this case "Sales1"

Afaik, you need to loop through each DL and check whether the recipient is a member of the list. This should work as long as the recipient is a member of only one list.
Hi Michael, that could work, but the clerk2 can also be in the distribution list Sales2.

If I could find which Distribution list Name was selected from the Sender to send the mail it would solve my Problem.
Hi Sepp, the DL's name is not available.

Only on the sender's site you can get the DL's name. If the sender is in your organization, too, I'd think about flagging the item there, for instance, with a category.
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