OL13 Calendar Search not finding most items

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Outlook 2021 64 bit
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I am finding calendar search in Ol13 is not working. the only searches that return results are for recurring birthdays. Items with particular times, or recurring items that are not birthdays don't exist for calendar search.

I have run scanpst, rebuilt index, checked to see that outlook is included in indexing.

Is this phenomenon simply another aspect of the generally deficient people search, or is there a way to get calendar search to function as one might expect? Some setting I can change? Other?
win 7.

start:last month isrecurring:yes

do these indicate settings I need to look at?
your reply prompted me to look further to see if I could find the variables you mentioned. I couldn't find them, but I did notice on Search bar, "current folder" vs "all calendar items" . choosing "all...items" allows the search to be successful.

so the problem has morphed into: how to keep searches from defaulting to "current folder"?

(or, why isn't "current folder" searching all items on this calendar?)
I don't see settings for default search scope. Only options I am seeing are for including results from "current folder", "current mailbox", etc. of course, my calendar isn't a mailbox, and current folder is what I am trying to avoid, apparently.

I changed the setting to "all mailboxes". This seems to allow the search>"all calendar items" setting to stick between restarting OL13. so far.

another Outlook "what were they thinking when writing when writing this software" moment.

So, entries in Calendar on specific times are in a different folder (or mailbox?) than entries that are "all day"? and different folders are each mailboxes?

Hard to understand how this works.
No, they should all be in the same calendar, unless you specifically made more than one calendar.

Go to the Folder list - Ctrl+6 will get you there - how many calendar folders do you have? Switch each calendar to a list view to easily see what is in the folder and see if you can find the times and all day events.

When you are done, click the Mail link to get out of folder list.
One calendar folder. List view shows times and all day events.
I don't understand why "current folder" doesn't get all results. or why "all calendar items" doesn't stick unless options are set to "all mailboxes"
only "all calendar items" finds timed appointments. current folder finds only all day appts.

oh well.
same problem on 2 computers: win7 Ultimate sp1 64 bit, and win7 pro 64 bit sp1.

didn't have this problem in past. Never touched search settings. An update did it?
I just tried to rebuild the index again (file>options>search>indexing options>advanced>rebuild>'this may take a long time">ok.). in fact I went through this a few times. It keeps showing indexing complete, no message about impaired results because of indexing.

would it show 'indexing complete' even though it is re-indexing? Or is rebuilding the index failing?
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