Individual E-mails from Distribution List

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New Question:

Is there a way to create a distribution list of contacts and when you email using that distribution list, it sends an email to each contact individually in the To bar, and not showing the whole list etc.

And please remember my last question as well.

Thanks much.
That would be a mail merge... you could do it using code, but I'm not sure of the practicality of it unless you create a template and use it for the email content or are sending a short message. Actually, you could use a userform to supply the content of the body and subject.

Select the Contact Group / DL and run this - but do it with a short DL since it will open a new message to each address. :)

Sub group_merge()

Dim o_list As Object

Dim objMsg As MailItem

' select or open the distributionlist

Set o_list = GetCurrentItem()

For i = 1 To o_list.MemberCount

Set objMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With objMsg
.To = o_list.GetMember(i).Address
.Subject = "Test Subject"
.Body = "Message Text"

End With

Set objMsg = Nothing


End Sub
Is there way that tihs code can go directly to the email template I want to use?
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