Outlook 2016 related mails in outlook

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
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related mails in outlook, how we can get it from different folders (our chosen folders) using VBA code ? Example the search folders shall be inbox & its subfolders; and an another folder from outside inbox tree.
related mails in outlook, how we can get it from different folders (our chosen folders) using VBA code ? Example the search folders shall be inbox & its subfolders; and an another folder from outside inbox tree.
Can you pls advice on this request.

I am using the below code, which search inbox & all the subfolders under it. I wish to get results from the other folder too as marked (above Inbox tree)


Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application

Dim strFrom, strSubject As String

Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem

Dim txtSearch As String

Set oMail = GetCurrentItem()

strSubject = oMail.ConversationTopic

strFrom = oMail.SenderName

txtSearch = "[Conversation]:=""" & strSubject & """ (to:(" & strFrom & ") OR from:(" & strFrom & "))"

myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.Search txtSearch, olSearchScopeSubfolders

myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.Search txtSearch, olSearchScopeSubfolders
You need to change the scope to all - olSearchScopeAllFolders

If you use advanced search, you can name the folders you want to check.
You need to change the scope to all - olSearchScopeAllFolders

If you use advanced search, you can name the folders you want to check.
Dear Diane,

Thanks, i have tried it (olSearchScopeAllFolders). But it provides result from all the opened folders in out look; Inbox & its sub-folders, Sent item folder & Archived folders.
Here I am looking search results from Inbox & its sub-folders, and from one another custom folder outside Inbox tree as below.
No need to include Sent item folder, Delete folder and not any other Archived folders if not specifically mentioned.
See example below. All black arrow folders need to search (olSearchScopeSubfolders will do this) And need to search the red arrow folder too in my present case.

what is your full code sample? I'll take a look at it.
Dear Diane,

See below my full coding; It is working, but i need to add one another folder too as mentioned before.

Sub Search_Related()

Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim oMail  As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strFrom, strSubject As String
Dim txtSearch As String

Set oMail = GetCurrentItem()
strFrom = oMail.SenderName
strSubject = oMail.ConversationTopic

'Search crieria for the related mail search
txtSearch = "[Conversation]:=""" & strSubject & """ (to:(" & strFrom & ") OR from:(" & strFrom & "))"

'Search current folder & subfolders
myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.Search txtSearch, olSearchScopeSubfolders

Set myOlApp = Nothing
End Sub
Dear Diane,

See below my full coding; It is working, but i need to add one another folder too as mentioned before.

Sub Search_Related()

Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strFrom, strSubject As String
Dim txtSearch As String

Set oMail = GetCurrentItem()
strFrom = oMail.SenderName
strSubject = oMail.ConversationTopic

'Search crieria for the related mail search
txtSearch = "[Conversation]:=""" & strSubject & """ (to:(" & strFrom & ") OR from:(" & strFrom & "))"

'Search current folder & subfolders
myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.Search txtSearch, olSearchScopeSubfolders

Set myOlApp = Nothing

End Sub
Dear Diane,

Thanks for your inputs.

1) With my existing code shared, how can i change/use advanced search to get results from different chosen folders ?
Kindly advice. (option-1 : Search Related method)

2) I have done it using your suggested other method (Option-2 : By creating outlook search folder method.)
Here i need your help on two sessions.

a) exact subject search instead of "like"
b) on selecting any mail & running the macro, i need to get the result in the same "search folder". Same folder always & results based on the selected mail item. Here 1st time i am getting correct result, but 2nd time (on selecting diff mail item & running the code) getting error as there is already the same search folder existing. Here i need to update the search folder with the new result instead of creating new Search Folder. Given below the related code sessions i have prepared based on your shared data/module link.

Sub SearchFolder_ForConversation()

On Error GoTo Err_SearchFolderForSender

Dim strFrom As String
Dim strTo As String
Dim strSubject As String
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem

Set oMail = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)

strFrom = oMail.SenderEmailAddress
strTo = oMail.SenderName
strSubject = oMail.ConversationTopic

If strFrom = "" Then Exit Sub

Dim strDASLFilter As String

' From & To fields
Const From1 As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x0065001f"
Const From2 As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x0042001f"
Const To1 As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x0e04001f"
Const To2 As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x0e03001f"

strDASLFilter = "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE '%" & strSubject & "%'" & _
" AND ((""" & From1 & """ CI_STARTSWITH '" & strFrom & "' OR """ & From2 & """ CI_STARTSWITH '" & strFrom & "')" & _
" OR (""" & To1 & """ CI_STARTSWITH '" & strFrom & "' OR """ & To2 & """ CI_STARTSWITH '" & strFrom & "' OR """ & To1 & """ CI_STARTSWITH '" & strTo & "' OR """ & To2 & """ CI_STARTSWITH '" & strTo & "' ))"

Debug.Print strDASLFilter

Dim strScope As String
strScope = "'Inbox', 'eeminders'"

Dim objSearch As Search
Set objSearch = Application.AdvancedSearch(Scope:=strScope, Filter:=strDASLFilter, SearchSubFolders:=True, Tag:="SearchFolder")

'Save the search results to a searchfolder named "Search Result"
objSearch.Save ("Search Result")

Set objSearch = Nothing
MsgBox "Done"

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error # " & Err & " : " & Error(Err)

End Sub
'urn:schemas:httpmail:subject' = '" & strSubject & "'"

on updating the search folder - I don't think you can, but wuill check. I have a code to delete the folder if it exists. Will see if we can just update the filter.

A cheat to get the SQL - open View Settings and create a filter on the advanced tab then copy the sql from the SQL tab.


Dear Diane,

I am not getting the exact search with the above code (but error, may be syntax is some other), kindly advise whether it works fine for you.
Updating the search folder or the code to delete the folder if it exists, can you pls recommend the code to use.

It is working at all? It works here - I had to change "eeminders" to Archive to test it. If you didn't fix the spelling in your code, that could be the problem.

You won't be able to update a search folder - you can either delete it and recreate it or use a value in the selected message to name the folder.

This seems the best option if multiple people are in the thread and you are limiting it to that subject.
objSearch.Save (strSubject)
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