how to scan individual email messages Outlook 2010 64bit

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Russ Smith

New Member
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Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
I have a user Windows 7x 64 using Outlook 2010. In the old version of Outlook he had he could highlight a message and either right click or hit tools and the option scan with Panda Antivirus for Desktops was available to scan that message with the installed antivirus. 2010 does not have that option by right clicking, and there is no tools menu. Is it possible to scan messages still with the installed antivirus?

Russ Smith
Tools is now the File menu in 2010 - look for the option there but they may have changed how it worked.

FWIW, you really don't need antivirus scanning of email - outlook is very secure and everything is run in the Restricted zone. Active content won't run and attachments are written to the drive (and virus scanned at that time) before outlook opens them.
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