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- Outlook 365 64 bit
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- Office 365 Exchange
I want to create VBA that will:
These 3x fields are populated by parsing the "OneNoteURL" UDF, grabbing the Notebook, Section Group (If there is one), and Section from the OneNoteURL string.
In OneNote, I have "spaces" in the OneNote fields:
The Outlook Task are created from OneNote, the generated hyperlink replaces the "spaces" with "%20" within the OneNoteURL string.
Ideally. OneNoteURL: onenote:https:/...../%20Example%20Notebook/This,%20is%20Bananas/
would output
UDF1: Example Notebook
UDF2: This is Bananas
I've been using underscores ("_") in lieu of "spaces". A shameful work around...I want those "spaces", it feels much easier navigating my Notebooks with them.
I haven't touched VBA since my first year uni...circa 1999...I've been trying to crash some learning. I've spent several hours trying to learn, and understand...without success
I am lost,
I'm struggling,
I'm about ready to throw the whole works out my window, and into the harbour.
Any advise, or guidance is more than welcome
Please help,
- iterate through the OneNoteURL UDF, replacing any occurrence of "%20" with a space
- execute on task creation, or for selected Outlook tasks
These 3x fields are populated by parsing the "OneNoteURL" UDF, grabbing the Notebook, Section Group (If there is one), and Section from the OneNoteURL string.
In OneNote, I have "spaces" in the OneNote fields:
- Notebook names;
- Section names; and
- Section Group names (if created).
The Outlook Task are created from OneNote, the generated hyperlink replaces the "spaces" with "%20" within the OneNoteURL string.
Ideally. OneNoteURL: onenote:https:/...../%20Example%20Notebook/This,%20is%20Bananas/
would output
UDF1: Example Notebook
UDF2: This is Bananas
I've been using underscores ("_") in lieu of "spaces". A shameful work around...I want those "spaces", it feels much easier navigating my Notebooks with them.
I haven't touched VBA since my first year uni...circa 1999...I've been trying to crash some learning. I've spent several hours trying to learn, and understand...without success
I am lost,
I'm struggling,
I'm about ready to throw the whole works out my window, and into the harbour.
Any advise, or guidance is more than welcome
Please help,