I've seen variations of this question floating around all over, but I have not managed to figure out how to adapt any of them to this specific need. Probably because the first time I even opened VB was yesterday haha.
So the issue I'm having:
At the moment I have a rule in Outlook to auto-forward e-mails from a specific sender that contain specific words in the e-mail body to one or multiple recipients. What I would like to do, is to add some text in the forwarded e-mail body, i.e "Please find the approval below".. As I understand then this should be doable using VB in Outlook, but I simply cannot wrap my three brain cells around it. Any help/ideas would be much appreciated!
I've seen variations of this question floating around all over, but I have not managed to figure out how to adapt any of them to this specific need. Probably because the first time I even opened VB was yesterday haha.
So the issue I'm having:
At the moment I have a rule in Outlook to auto-forward e-mails from a specific sender that contain specific words in the e-mail body to one or multiple recipients. What I would like to do, is to add some text in the forwarded e-mail body, i.e "Please find the approval below".. As I understand then this should be doable using VB in Outlook, but I simply cannot wrap my three brain cells around it. Any help/ideas would be much appreciated!