On Apr 1, 4:05 am, "Andrea0" <andrea_bea_and...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> I have 10 business contacts related to one company. When deleting the
> company, ALL 10 business contacts als also deleted! Is there a way at least
> to WARN or refusing deleting the company before having deleted the business
> contacts?
Hi Andrea,
I think this is the way the product is designed. Along with the
business contacts that are deleted, so are any Opportunities, mails,
phone logs, or any item associated with the company or any business
contacts, opportunities, and so on from the level cascade down. I
guess the BCM product could probably warn you, but if you have not
removed the company ("account") from the BCM Deleted Items folder, you
can always move the company back to the Accounts folder, and find any
associated business contacts again. Then if you really want to delete
the company but keep the business contacts, you can remove the account-
contact association before deleting the account again.
Hope that helps,