The add-in could not be installed or loaded

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mk23
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We have a Outlook add-in. Now we have a customer that has a citrix

environment. wehre he has installed the add-in for all users (30 persons).

Now we have at only one single user the problem, that Outlook starts with the

Message: "The add-in could not be installed or loaded ...." where the

customer can select to deactivate the add-in.

Outlook 2003

Windows XP

When we decide to start outlook without deactivation of the add-in, outlook

starts up and works fine, also the add-in itself works properly. But the next

time we start up we get the same message.

We checked all our logs but didn't find any hint, that it is an error in the

add-in itself. We tried to reinstall the add-in, checked all registry keys

but found no further information.

In the eventviewer of the system we find an entry from Outlook:

Source: Microsoft Office 11

Type: Error

Event ID: 2000 (normally, sparly 2001)

But no further information about the real reason of the error.

Do you have any idea for me, what to do?

regards Thomas
There's no way to tell from outside what's happening. If Outlook is offering

to disable the addin each time then there's an unhandled exception or an

Outlook crash or hang, probably at exit. If this is on only one machine then

I'd be looking to see what's different on that machine, and if it's running

anything that integrates with Outlook that the other machines aren't


"Mk23" <Mk23> wrote in message
> Hi

> We have a Outlook add-in. Now we have a customer that has a citrix
> environment. wehre he has installed the add-in for all users (30 persons).
> Now we have at only one single user the problem, that Outlook starts with
> the
> Message: "The add-in could not be installed or loaded ...." where the
> customer can select to deactivate the add-in.

> Outlook 2003
> Windows XP

> When we decide to start outlook without deactivation of the add-in,
> outlook
> starts up and works fine, also the add-in itself works properly. But the
> next
> time we start up we get the same message.

> We checked all our logs but didn't find any hint, that it is an error in
> the
> add-in itself. We tried to reinstall the add-in, checked all registry keys
> but found no further information.
> In the eventviewer of the system we find an entry from Outlook:
> Source: Microsoft Office 11
> Type: Error
> Event ID: 2000 (normally, sparly 2001)
> But no further information about the real reason of the error.

> Do you have any idea for me, what to do?

> regards Thomas
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