How to add a folder shortcut to outlook quick access toolbar?

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Outlook 2016 64 bit
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Office 365 Exchange
Hi Diane,
I've been using your code for folder shortcuts on the quick access toolbar for a long time and very happy with it.
However I sometimes experience a problem where some shortcuts fail to work and a restart of Outlook is required.
When this problem occurs some of the shortcuts continue to work while others don't work until the restart.
After the restart the failed shortcut is fine until maybe hours or days the problem occurs again. Its so random I can't pin done what could be causing the problem
The only thing I can think of is possibly a network delay or lag that prevents data (folder path) being retrieved in time.
Do you have any ideas what couyld cause this problem or how I could resolve it?
Is the a way I could change the code in the function to wait for the server to respond or re-query the server if the error occurs?

If I haven't included enough info please let me know.



The only thing I can think of is possibly a network delay or lag that prevents data (folder path) being retrieved in time.
It's possible that is the issue. Is that a shared mailbox and are you caching shared folders?
It's possible that is the issue. Is that a shared mailbox and are you caching shared folders?
Hi Diane, Thank you for your reply.

Yes it is a shared mailbox and yes I think the folders are being cached although I get lost in that area.
Should the folders not be cached? What is the affect if the folders are not cached?
If the folders are cached is it faster response but the data is updated in the background?
If the folders are not cached does that cause slower response but less errors?


that shows it is cached. Cached is generally better - and with it cached, it should work. I wonder... if the problem is because the shared mailboxes don't have their own data file so getfolderpath may not always work as expected.... (i use getshareddefaultfolder -
Working with VBA and non-default Outlook Folders )
Hi Diane, Thank you for your reply.

I've added this code under Sub open_staff_Geoff_Geoff2_New_method() but I don't think its quite right as it doesn't work although there are no error messages at this stage.
I need a little more guidance with how the code should look.
The link in your above post seems to refer to a calendar but I'm trying to open an email folder.


my code sample will work with any folder - hcange the folder to olfolderinbox for inbox. but if your code works (most of the time), use it.

In the shared mailbox method, uncomment the message box line - does it come up?
Also Recipient will be the mailbox name - then you need to 'walk' down to the subfolder. You need to limit the number of dots in a line - so you can repeat it to step down tothe folder you want.
objolapp = objolapp.folders("staff").folders("geoff")
objolapp = objolapp.folders("geoff2")
Thank you for sharing this information. This may be useful to me.
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