add to existing distribution list

  • Thread starter Thread starter barret bonden
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barret bonden

Trying to add to an existing distribution list; (from MS Access to Outlook

2003) ; code below can add, but always creates new DL (see below); skipping

through Access records into general top level contacts was easy, DL work has

been very frustrating.

Code below works (it adds to a list) but it needs to refer to a known list.

How do I do this successfully ?

I've played with :

objDistList =


in other code but get "object variable not set" even though I can see it has

been !

Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application

Dim objNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace

Dim objDistList As Outlook.DistListItem

Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem

Dim objRecipients As Outlook.Recipients

Set objNameSpace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")

Set objDistList = objOutlook.CreateItem(olDistributionListItem)

Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

Set objRecipients = objMail.Recipients

objDistList.DLName = InputBox("Enter name of Distribution List")

'objDistList.DLName = "test"

'For i = 1 To Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

'objRecipients.Add (Range("C" & i).Value)

'Next i

objRecipients.Add ""

objRecipients.Add ""

objDistList.AddMembers objRecipients




Set objOutlook = Nothing

Set objNameSpace = Nothing

Set objDistList = Nothing

Set objMail = Nothing

Set objRecipients = Nothing
You need to use the MAPIFolder.Items.Find method to return the existing list

based on a query against some known criteria, such as the Subject (i.e. list


Sue Mosher

"barret bonden" <> wrote in message

> Trying to add to an existing distribution list; (from MS Access to Outlook
> 2003) ; code below can add, but always creates new DL (see below);
> skipping through Access records into general top level contacts was easy,
> DL work has been very frustrating.
> Code below works (it adds to a list) but it needs to refer to a known
> list. How do I do this successfully ?
Ahhhh ! (sigh of relief) the guardian angel of Outlook programmers is

still there. Ms. Mosher, I've been professionally programming in VB/VBA for

16 + (?) years now , but still can't make substantial heads or tails of

Outlook syntax; I have no real capacity to be creative here.

This is crass of me, but could you be more explicit ? Or direct me to some

code (been looking for weeks) that solves this ?

"Sue Mosher [MVP]" <> wrote in message

> You need to use the MAPIFolder.Items.Find method to return the existing
> list based on a query against some known criteria, such as the Subject
> (i.e. list name).
> > Sue Mosher
> > >

> "barret bonden" <> wrote in message
> news:4b43a762$0$31272$
> > Trying to add to an existing distribution list; (from MS Access to
> > Outlook 2003) ; code below can add, but always creates new DL (see
> > below); skipping through Access records into general top level contacts
> > was easy, DL work has been very frustrating.
> > Code below works (it adds to a list) but it needs to refer to a known
> > list. How do I do this successfully ?

There's nothing special about Outlook syntax. It's all objects, properties,

methods, and events, the same as with other libraries you may have used in

VB/VBA. The method you need, Items.Find, is well documented in Outlook VBA

Help and in the Outlook Developer Reference on MSDN.

Sue Mosher

"barret bonden" <> wrote in message


> Ahhhh ! (sigh of relief) the guardian angel of Outlook programmers is
> still there. Ms. Mosher, I've been professionally programming in VB/VBA
> for
> 16 + (?) years now , but still can't make substantial heads or tails of
> Outlook syntax; I have no real capacity to be creative here.

> This is crass of me, but could you be more explicit ? Or direct me to
> some
> code (been looking for weeks) that solves this ?

> "Sue Mosher [MVP]" <> wrote in message
> news:e9XoGrkjKHA.1536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> > You need to use the MAPIFolder.Items.Find method to return the existing
> > list based on a query against some known criteria, such as the Subject
> > (i.e. list name).

>> "barret bonden" <> wrote in message
> > news:4b43a762$0$31272$
> >> Trying to add to an existing distribution list; (from MS Access to
> >> Outlook 2003) ; code below can add, but always creates new DL (see
> >> below); skipping through Access records into general top level contacts
> >> was easy, DL work has been very frustrating.
> >> Code below works (it adds to a list) but it needs to refer to a known
> >> list. How do I do this successfully ?



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