Distribution list failure - "an unexpected error has occurred"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sm9uZXM
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My distribution lists suddenly stopped working when sending email. Receive

message "an unexpected error has occurred". All single contacts in address

book continue to work with no problem.
DL's are neither reliable nor robust. Few people rely upon them. State the

changes you made before the DL "suddenly stopped working." Consider using a

reliable way to group Contacts.
eh? Your response lacks both a solution and a path to a

solution. It is helpful in that it acknowledges the weakness of DL's

(distribution lists) but the anemic "Consider using a reliable way to group

Contacts." supplies nothing but frustration.
Here is the most likely solution to this issue:


1. Create a New Message

2. In the To:, CC:, and BCC:, fields, type the name of the offending

distribution list, the one you are using when you get the error.

3. Once the list of DLs is displayed, delete the one that gives you the

problem. You are not actually deleting the list, just the shortcut link to it.

4. Click on the TO, CC or BCC link to bring up the Select Names dialogue.

5. Select the offending DL for the To CC or BCC field and click OK.

6. Send your email

7. next time yo usend email you can type the DL right in on the New Message

page and it will now be linked to the correct DL in the address book.

I certainly agree with the view expressed about the MVP - what a hopeless case......
I certainly agree with the view expressed about the MVP - what a hopeless case......

I understand he's not an MVP anymore, so apparently Microsoft agrees with you. :)
Here is the most likely solution to this issue:


1. Create a New Message

2. In the To:, CC:, and BCC:, fields, type the name of the offending

distribution list, the one you are using when you get the error.

3. Once the list of DLs is displayed, delete the one that gives you the

problem. You are not actually deleting the list, just the shortcut link to it.

4. Click on the TO, CC or BCC link to bring up the Select Names dialogue.

5. Select the offending DL for the To CC or BCC field and click OK.

6. Send your email

7. next time yo usend email you can type the DL right in on the New Message

page and it will now be linked to the correct DL in the address book.

I certainly agree with the view expressed about the MVP - what a hopeless case......

My boss had the same problem, I tried this and it fixed it! BINGO!! Thanks!!
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