Copying cc email addresses to Excel - does not copy the <>

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Outlook version
Email Account
Dear All,

When trying to copy email addresses from the to/cc/bcc section at the top of an email, if the email is in the format (example only) -

Joe Bloggs <
then even if you copy the whole line as shown above as it appears in the to/cc/bcc section of the email (even if I take it from a "reply to all" email made from the original received email), then in Excel or in any other document that you paste to, including the "members" box of a distribution/contact group list, the result of the paste is -

Joe Bloggs

So, the <> section is NOT pasted.

However, if the email in the to/cc/bcc section of the email is in the format -

without the pointy brackets (ie the sender may have put the address in manually in his to/cc/bcc box or has not associated a name with the email in the contact list), then the result of the paste is -

without the name Joe Bloggs, which is understandable, as no name is associated with that email address.

So, my question is -

How can you copy an email address in the form of "Joe Bloggs <>" from the to/cc/bcc box in such a way that when you paste it to Excel or in the "members" box of a distribution/contact group list, then everything gets copied - ie if the email address in the to/cc/bcc box is Joe Bloggs <>, then BOTH the name and the email address are copied and not JUST the name, which seems a bit brain damaged to me for the software to behave in this way. If you can see it, you should be able to copy and paste it.

Many thanks.

All the best, cheers and enjoy.

Re: Copying cc email addresses to Excel - does not copy the <

I'll copy me reply from the other post -

In versions before Outlook 2010, when you copy the names from the address fields you'll only get the display name (which may be the name, the address or both). If you have a contact for the person, the name will resolve if you paste it into a new message or a Contact group (DL) but you can only use it within Outlook. For use in Excel or if you don't have a contact for the person, you need to get the addresses from the message header.

(Outlook 2010 will paste the name and address as .) shows how to get the addresses from the message header.
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