Save as HTML for multiple emails

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
I get emails from Microsoft File Server Resources Manager. I've asked it to attach HTML, CSV and XML files to email from the clients server to my works email on a schedule.

I found this great script to save the attachments

But for some reason Outlook doesn't consider the "attached" HTML as an attachment so doesn't save it, and that the bit of the email I need to pull out the tables for my report.

Doing a "save as" on the email creates the HTML files I want but when selecting multiple emails it only gives the option as "save as text" and I lose all the formatting!

Is there a way of saving each selected email as HTML?

The HTML sounds like it is embedded in the message, not attached. You need a macro that will save the message as HTML.

Try using

Sub SaveHTMLMessage(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
'Change the path
Item.SaveAs "C:\folder\path\" & Item.Subject & ".htm", olHTML

End Sub

You can create a rule to run a script and select this script or run it from the menu as needed. (It needs a little tweaking to run it on all messages in a folder or a selection of messages. )

if the subject contains invalid characters, you need to either use a different subject or remove the characters. I have code to add a date the the subject here - its too long to post here. That code also has a function to remove illegal characters from the subject, or a simpler macro such as can do it:

Sub SaveHTMLMessage(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
Item.SaveAs "C:\folder\path" & RemoveIllegalCharacters(Item.Subject) & ".htm", olHTML

End Sub

Function RemoveIllegalCharacters(strItem As String) As String
Dim strTemp As String
strTemp = Replace(strItem, ":", "-")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "/", "-")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "\", "-")
RemoveIllegalCharacters = strTemp

End Function
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