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I am receiving many emails where Outlook inserts [SPAM?] at the beginning of the subject line, even from friends who are in my safe senders list. How can I turn off this feature?
You must first determine at what level this is happening. This could be your email provider, your antivirus or your email client.
The email server, 1and1.com, does seem where it is coming from, but I can't find how to turn the feature off. I can't even find an email address for 1and1's support.
log into your web mail and look at the options or spam settings. It's been a long time since i used1and1 so i don't know exactly where to look, but it should be user-configurable.
maybe this - 1&1 Help Center - Disable SPAM Filtering in 1&1 WebMail - rather than turning it off completely, i would lower the spam filter setting so the most obvious spam is identified.
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