Calendar folder cannot be found (tasks folder cannot be found)

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Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
I've been using for years productivity rules that create a task or an appointment out of an email message. First hassle came when switching to an Exchange Active Sync account, when newly created tasks or appointments no longer allowed attachments. Learned to live with that. As of a week ago, I can no longer create "create an appointment with text of message" from my gmail account (can still do it from my account). Error message popup is "Calendar folder cannot be found".
Any solution or workaround? I've already followed Google's recommendation to allow access to less secure apps at Account settings: Your browser is not supported..
I've been using for years productivity rules that create a task or an appointment out of an email message. First hassle came when switching to an Exchange Active Sync account, when newly created tasks or appointments no longer allowed attachments. Learned to live with that. As of a week ago, I can no longer create "create an appointment with text of message" from my gmail account (can still do it from my account). Error message popup is "Calendar folder cannot be found".
Any solution or workaround? I've already followed Google's recommendation to allow access to less secure apps at Account settings: Your browser is not supported..
Similar issue: Outlook 2016, with POP and IMAP accounts. I used to be able to create a "Quick Step" for an email to become a Task. Am now getting error each time: "Tasks folder cannot be found". I am able to drag an email onto the task icon and create a task in that fashion. Have restarted Outlook with "resettoolbar.exe". Any solved this?
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