Outlook 2010 - Calendar in public folder issue

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I am trying to set up a shared calendar that can be accessed within an Exchange environment and that also can be accessed externally. To do this, I have set up a calendar in a public folder - this allows me to email appointments to that folder and have them appear on the calendar. I have also published the calendar on a WebDav site. All of this works fine.

What doesn't work is viewing the calendar in the owning Exchange environment. In Outlook 2010 I can view the calendar by selecting it from the public folder. If I try to add the calendar to a calendar group, I select it from the Address Book under Public Folders and it get added. However, when it is displayed, there is a yellow diamond with an exclamation mark on the top tab saying "could not be updated". Selecting the Properties shows the error: "Cannot display folder properties. The folder may have been deleted ... You don't have appropriate permission ...". Yet I can view the properties on the calendar when it is displayed in the public folder.

Any ideas as to what is going on ?


I know you can have public folder calendars in groups, because i have some in groups.

I don't think it matters, but are you caching public folders?
Anthony, did you ever resolve this issue? I want to implement a public calendar for a conference room in our company, but this seems to be a stumbling block. Adopting new things is hard enough and the smallest hiccup will cause people to drop it before giving it a chance.

Did that fix the issue for you? (putting the Calendar in the Public Folders first)



Did that fix the issue for you? (putting the Calendar in the Public Folders first)



Different poster here: I have this problem and adding it to Public Folder favorites was what did the trick for me. Do not add the calendar using the address book, browse PF and make it a favorite and that fixes the issue.

Thanks for the bug MS!
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