I am trying to set up a shared calendar that can be accessed within an Exchange environment and that also can be accessed externally. To do this, I have set up a calendar in a public folder - this allows me to email appointments to that folder and have them appear on the calendar. I have also published the calendar on a WebDav site. All of this works fine.
What doesn't work is viewing the calendar in the owning Exchange environment. In Outlook 2010 I can view the calendar by selecting it from the public folder. If I try to add the calendar to a calendar group, I select it from the Address Book under Public Folders and it get added. However, when it is displayed, there is a yellow diamond with an exclamation mark on the top tab saying "could not be updated". Selecting the Properties shows the error: "Cannot display folder properties. The folder may have been deleted ... You don't have appropriate permission ...". Yet I can view the properties on the calendar when it is displayed in the public folder.
Any ideas as to what is going on ?
What doesn't work is viewing the calendar in the owning Exchange environment. In Outlook 2010 I can view the calendar by selecting it from the public folder. If I try to add the calendar to a calendar group, I select it from the Address Book under Public Folders and it get added. However, when it is displayed, there is a yellow diamond with an exclamation mark on the top tab saying "could not be updated". Selecting the Properties shows the error: "Cannot display folder properties. The folder may have been deleted ... You don't have appropriate permission ...". Yet I can view the properties on the calendar when it is displayed in the public folder.
Any ideas as to what is going on ?