Opening a saved Outlook customized form after moving it to another folder

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Outlook version
Email Account
Exchange Server
After putting in my customized form all code I needed, I published my form. The way our organization works with form, is that the published form opened in the same folder as published, user fill out all items and then form approved by his manager and saved in the same folder. In Item_Open event I included code to make checkbox "Manager Approved" disabled after manager checked checkbox and saved the form. This works fine and after director of department open the form again, checkbox "Manager Approved" is disabled.

Now director has to approve the form too, check checkbox "Director Approved", save form again and in this case approved by director form moved to another folder for IT processing using function Item.Move in Item_Write event. I also included in Item_Open event code to make checkbox "Director Approved" disabled after director checked checkbox and saved the form. But when form is opened in another folder after saving and moving, checkbox "Director Approved" still enabled and I found that vbscript in Item_Open event don't run after form is opened in another folder.

Is this mean that form became "one-off" after moving to another folder? Is there any way to make code run in Item_Open event to make checkbox disabled?
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