Hello !
I am trying to "merge" the Automatic insert receptens name and replyall with template macro.. What am i doing wrong ??
Im trying to merge theese 2. They work seperately. But after adding the autoinsert names to field the Replyall macro with template wont add the item.
GOAL: Is that the Replyall with template macro auto inserts Name of the sender in the Text field "Hello <Name of sender>
Auto insert names to field macro:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents oExpl As Explorer
Private WithEvents oItem As MailItem
Private bDiscardEvents As Boolean
Dim oResponse As MailItem
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set oExpl = Application.ActiveExplorer
bDiscardEvents = False
End Sub
Private Sub oExpl_SelectionChange()
On Error Resume Next
Set oItem = oExpl.Selection.Item(1)
End Sub
' Reply
Private Sub oItem_Reply(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Cancel = True
bDiscardEvents = True
Set oResponse = oItem.Reply
End Sub
Private Sub oItem_Forward(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Cancel = True
bDiscardEvents = True
Set oResponse = oItem.Forward
End Sub
Private Sub oItem_ReplyAll(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Cancel = True
bDiscardEvents = True
Set oResponse = oItem.ReplyAll
End Sub
Private Sub afterReply()
' get the recipient names
Dim Recipients As Outlook.Recipients
Dim R As Outlook.Recipient
Dim i
Dim strTo As String, strCC As String
Set Recipients = oResponse.Recipients
For i = 1 To Recipients.Count
Set R = Recipients.Item(i)
Debug.Print R.Name, R.Type
If R.Type = olCC Then
strCC = R.Name & ", " & strCC
strTo = R.Name & ", " & strTo
End If
'insert the names
Dim olInspector As Outlook.Inspector
Dim olDocument As Word.Document
Dim olSelection As Word.Selection
Set olInspector = Application.ActiveInspector()
Set olDocument = olInspector.WordEditor
Set olSelection = olDocument.Application.Selection
olSelection.InsertBefore "CC: " & strCC
olSelection.InsertBefore "To: " & strTo
End Sub
Replyall with template macro
Sub Bookingnyordre()
Dim origEmail As MailItem
Dim replyEmail As MailItem
Set origEmail = ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
Set replyEmail = CreateItemFromTemplate("\\alserver\dataalle\Kundeservice\Hurtigsvar makrotekster\Booking ny ordre.oft")
replyEmail.To = origEmail.Reply.To
replyEmail.CC = origEmail.CC
replyEmail.HTMLBody = replyEmail.HTMLBody & origEmail.Reply.HTMLBody
replyEmail.SentOnBehalfOfName = "kundeservice@autologik.dk"
replyEmail.Subject = origEmail.Subject & " Din ordre er nu booket"
Set origEmail = Nothing
Set replyEmail = Nothing
End Sub
What am i doing wrong ?
See attached error
I am trying to "merge" the Automatic insert receptens name and replyall with template macro.. What am i doing wrong ??
Im trying to merge theese 2. They work seperately. But after adding the autoinsert names to field the Replyall macro with template wont add the item.
GOAL: Is that the Replyall with template macro auto inserts Name of the sender in the Text field "Hello <Name of sender>
Auto insert names to field macro:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents oExpl As Explorer
Private WithEvents oItem As MailItem
Private bDiscardEvents As Boolean
Dim oResponse As MailItem
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set oExpl = Application.ActiveExplorer
bDiscardEvents = False
End Sub
Private Sub oExpl_SelectionChange()
On Error Resume Next
Set oItem = oExpl.Selection.Item(1)
End Sub
' Reply
Private Sub oItem_Reply(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Cancel = True
bDiscardEvents = True
Set oResponse = oItem.Reply
End Sub
Private Sub oItem_Forward(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Cancel = True
bDiscardEvents = True
Set oResponse = oItem.Forward
End Sub
Private Sub oItem_ReplyAll(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Cancel = True
bDiscardEvents = True
Set oResponse = oItem.ReplyAll
End Sub
Private Sub afterReply()
' get the recipient names
Dim Recipients As Outlook.Recipients
Dim R As Outlook.Recipient
Dim i
Dim strTo As String, strCC As String
Set Recipients = oResponse.Recipients
For i = 1 To Recipients.Count
Set R = Recipients.Item(i)
Debug.Print R.Name, R.Type
If R.Type = olCC Then
strCC = R.Name & ", " & strCC
strTo = R.Name & ", " & strTo
End If
'insert the names
Dim olInspector As Outlook.Inspector
Dim olDocument As Word.Document
Dim olSelection As Word.Selection
Set olInspector = Application.ActiveInspector()
Set olDocument = olInspector.WordEditor
Set olSelection = olDocument.Application.Selection
olSelection.InsertBefore "CC: " & strCC
olSelection.InsertBefore "To: " & strTo
End Sub
Replyall with template macro
Sub Bookingnyordre()
Dim origEmail As MailItem
Dim replyEmail As MailItem
Set origEmail = ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
Set replyEmail = CreateItemFromTemplate("\\alserver\dataalle\Kundeservice\Hurtigsvar makrotekster\Booking ny ordre.oft")
replyEmail.To = origEmail.Reply.To
replyEmail.CC = origEmail.CC
replyEmail.HTMLBody = replyEmail.HTMLBody & origEmail.Reply.HTMLBody
replyEmail.SentOnBehalfOfName = "kundeservice@autologik.dk"
replyEmail.Subject = origEmail.Subject & " Din ordre er nu booket"
Set origEmail = Nothing
Set replyEmail = Nothing
End Sub
What am i doing wrong ?
See attached error