In-line reply style in Outlook II


Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Operating system::    Windows 10
Outlook version:     Outlook 365
Email type or host:    Exchange Online

Hello Diane,

I have tried to include in In-line reply style in Outlook sender´s email address using oItem.senderemailaddress (post #10). It works great with emails received outside of the organization. Unfortunatelly the sender´s email address inside of the organization (we are on Microsoft Exchange) looks like this in reply line: </O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=09A9EE4F149B47E5AE67A8A4AE7277B8-HANDSCHUG,>.

Do you have any idea how to adapt this piece of code to get it work properly with both external/internal emails?

Thank you in advance.
Without looking or testing... try oItem.sendername if you use it for both internal and external and don't have the names in your autocomplete list, an if statement could choose name or address.

if instr(olitem.senderemailaddress, "@") >0 then
' use it
'use sendername
end if
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