The behavior was changed in outlook 2007 to not mark tasks overdue when the reminder fired. They now are overdue based on the due date.
The difference between the reminder and the Outlook Today screen is that the OT screen shows the actual task while the reminder window shows when the reminder is due - if the reminder is not dismissed, its overdue.
I actually prefer this behavior too - if i set a reminder for 8 am, it should show as overdue at 9 am, even if the actual due time is not until 5 pm.
Thanks, Diane. I don't know why you want the reminder to be considered overdue at 9am, but to each his/her own. When I create a task I specify a due date for the task, not for the reminder, and to me the word "overdue" means the due date which I specified has passed.
Moreover, I'd like to see the due date in the reminder. I don't see the point of displaying the reminder date. The whole purpose of a reminder is to remind me that the task needs to be done by a certain date - the due date, which I may have forgotten - so that's the date which should appear in the reminder. I usually schedule a reminder several days ahead of the due date and often "snooze" the reminder one or more times, so my reminders are usually "overdue" simply because the initial reminder time has already passed. Does the due date appear in Outlook 2007 reminder pop-ups, or must one go to the list of reminders (or open the item itself) to see the due date?
Guess it's time for me to upgrade to a newer version of Office. However, one comment in your post of 07-09-2009 09:04 AM still worries me. You said "Other item types should use the due date as defined by the reminder, only tasks are using the end of the day." Does this mean that reminders for appointments in Outlook 2007 will become "overdue" one hour after the reminder time, even if the appointment is still in the future? (Needless to say, I hope not.)
BTW, do you know the answer to the question Brian Tillman raised in his post of 07/09/2009? Might it be that the "Reminders" window was opened at 3pm? If so, the task was indeed due in 2 hours.
Thanks again for your help.